Automatic garage doors are no longer a commodity for the few, the new generation of garage doors is reasonably priced, safe and easy to install.

Here are a number of factors to consider when choosing a garage door.

The type of drive system

1. Screw drive system

The screw drive system has a lifting device that moves along a steel bar. The system requires little maintenance due to few moving parts. The body of the system is mounted on the ceiling of the garage. The cost of the screw drive system is generally more than $150 and less than $200.

2. Chain drive system

The chain drive system has a metal chain that lifts the garage door up or down along a set of rails. The chain drive system is the most common and generally the most economical system. The chain drive is priced from $100 to $170.

On the downside, the chain drive system is louder than the screw drive system. The chain drive system is mounted on the roof of the garage.

Chain Drive Mechanism: By far the most popular and affordable opening device.

3. Computer controlled system

The computer controlled drive system does not use screws or chains. The body of the system is mounted directly above the door. Having the system mounted above the door helps in garages that have little headroom. Additionally, it provides more roof space that can be used for storage.

the kind of power

Select a motor with enough power to lift your gate. Have at least a ½ hp motor if you have a double door. A big motor is likely to last longer. Try to find a motor with “soft” starting and stopping. It runs quieter and minimizes wear.


The more expensive garage door opens much faster, reducing waiting time in the driveway. The faster opening model still closes at a slower speed for safety. Consider how much you’re willing to spend on the fastest models.

security concerns

All garage doors have a safety feature that prevents objects from being caught in the door. The door changes direction if they hit something. The security feature is required by federal law. The safety function is activated by an electronic beam.

The computer controlled mechanism measures the optimal operating time and speed of the door. It can detect and compensate for changing conditions, such as the door contacting an obstruction or closing too quickly.

security features

The new generation of garage doors uses random codes to improve security. Each time the remote is used to open the garage door, a new random code is generated. The security feature prevents you from opening your neighbor’s garage door and vice versa. Random code prevents code theft.

If there is no electricity, all garage doors have a manual that will open the door. Some higher-end models have a feature that allows the door to swing open a bit so your dog or cat can get out.

The remote control

Several models use a single-button remote, while others use a multi-button remote that can open multiple garage doors. The multi-button remote is the best option for people with multiple garages, each with its own door.

The fixed controller

The stationary controller mounts to the wall either inside or outside near the garage door. The fixed controller allows to open the gate without a remote control. The fixed controller does not usually come with the standard kit, it is usually an accessory.

The keypad provides you with a means to lock the door for a specified period of time, such as when you are away. Another function is the delayed closing, a short pause between pressing the button and closing the door. The keypad provides plenty of time to get out on foot without running, dodging the electronic beam and the garage door.

Turning on

Many garage doors have a security light that comes on when you turn on the system. The light stays on long enough for you to get out of your vehicle and into the house. Most remote controls have buttons that turn on the light without opening the door.

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