Headaches and migraines have an adverse impact on the quality of life for the more than 47 million Americans who frequently suffer from these symptoms, not to mention the costs in lost work hours and medical expenses. Many of these patients will almost immediately take medications to relieve pain, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers, and antidepressants.

But before you hit the medicine cabinet, you can first try these safe, affordable, and doable-yet-effective treatments. You will soon be able to control your headache and migraine symptoms, allowing for long-term management.

• Get a massage.

Massage improves blood circulation and thus relieves pain caused by headaches. This provides temporary relief, but if it means less reliance on pain relievers, it’s certainly a good option. Try rubbing your temples or, better yet, getting a full neck, head and back massage.

• Soak in a Jacuzzi.

Soaking in a hot tub will help tremendously with migraines or tension headaches. Just ten minutes of relaxation in a hot tub or spa with hot water and jets that stimulate the muscles, especially in the neck and back area.

• Stretch your muscles.

The reason is to relax the tense muscles, especially around the neck area, which will decrease the tension in the head. Test neck range of motion, shoulder shrugs, and neck isometrics; do these stretching exercises 2 times a day for 20 minutes each session.

• Do yoga.

Yoga combines the benefits of body positions, mental meditation, and breathing exercises, all of which can help reduce physical and mental stress. Then you will be more relaxed and therefore less prone to headaches.

• Practice aerobic exercises.

There is no need to engage in aerobic exercises that will contribute to the headache. Brisk walking, bicycling, and swimming are recommended as soon as you spot the signs of a headache. Better yet, make these exercises part of your fitness plan.

• Apply heat and cold.

This is so safe that even pregnant women can use it. Apply a heat pack to the back of your neck to relieve neck tension, while placing an ice pack on your temples can soothe a throbbing headache.

• Avoid nitrates and nitrites.

What you eat also influences your tendency to have frequent attacks of headaches or migraines. Avoid nitrites and nitrates in processed foods, caffeine, chocolate, and alcohol, especially when you have a high susceptibility to these foods.

Using natural herbs to relieve headache

Many people turn to alternative medicine when it comes to treating headaches. The reason for this is that headaches affect many people and traditional ways of treating them can be harmful if overused. For example, taking too much Tylenol or other pain relievers can cause liver problems. For this reason, when it comes to headaches, some people turn to herbal remedies.

One of the most popular herbal remedies when it comes to treating headaches is lavender. Lavender is used in aromatherapy and is one of the few essential oils that can be used directly on the skin. It also comes in pill form, as well as a tea. This can help ease the pain of headaches.

Another popular herbal remedy for headaches comes from ginger root. Ginger has been used for centuries to treat nausea, but it can also be used in a tea to treat discomfort from headaches, especially those resulting from menstrual cramps.

You can try a variety of different herbal remedies for headaches, but you should be sure to document each one you try. If you see a doctor about your headaches and are taking medication, you should talk to your doctor before trying herbal remedies for headaches. While natural herbs are generally harmless, you must be sure that there will be no interaction between the herbs and the medication you are currently taking.

If you suffer from migraines, like millions of other people, there are natural herbal remedies to treat these headaches. Migraine headaches are one of the leading reasons people miss work in the United States, and millions of people suffer from this disabling disease. What is so concerning about migraine headaches is that no one knows what causes them, although they are thought to run in families.

Rosemary is another popular herb that can help treat migraines. You should sprinkle rosemary on your food to see if it has any effect on your headaches. Any time you use natural herbs to treat headaches, it is best to grow them at home and use them as fresh as possible. One theory about headaches is that they are the result of environmental hazards like toxins in the air. By growing your herbs at home, you can eliminate the use of pesticides and make them safer to eat.

Work with different herbal remedies to treat headaches until you find the one that works best for you. You can also discuss herbal remedies for headaches with your doctor, as he or she may have more insight on how to combat the pain of bothersome headaches other than the use of medications.

When your symptoms persist, you can call a doctor. We suggest avoiding over-the-counter pain relievers when possible because they can worsen your condition, especially when you have underlying medical conditions.

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