Here’s the truth: Marketing isn’t as easy as it sounds. When it comes to marketing cybersecurity solutions, the pool can seem a little crowded. With so much competition in the market, it can be difficult for starters to find a way for the diving board to jump in. So how do you find your own spot and get noticed by your clients?

You might be using traditional cybersecurity marketing practices such as sending emails, cold calls, meeting clients and showing portfolios, etc. While these cybersecurity marketing practices are useful, they take a lot of time to give significant outcomes. So how to find cybersecurity clients fast? How to connect with CISOs, CIOs and other security officers fast without struggling for weeks or even months to connect with them?

Here is the solution: Join Execweb – A Cybersecurity Marketing Platform

Why Traditional Cybersecurity Marketing Practices Are Less Effective

Traditional marketing includes any form of marketing that takes place offline such as door-to-door marketing, sending cold emails or making cold calls, and meeting potential clients at some industry events or dinners. No doubt that these practices are useful and they help you build brand awareness and bring some leads.

However, these are not quite effective when you want to grow your business fast. As we are talking about cybersecurity here, you should know that CISOs are key decision-makers when it comes to investing in cybersecurity solutions. CISOs are responsible for protecting data networks against external malicious factors. They will sign up for your cybersecurity solutions if they trust you and consider you reliable.

Sending them a direct email, calling them, or sliding into their inboxes won’t help you win trust. In fact, they get annoyed when random marketers call them and start talking about how amazing their solution is. To step a foot in the CISOs door, you need some reliable channels and platforms that will help you connect with CISOs. That’s where the advantages of Execweb come in.

How Execweb Is More Effective Than Traditional Cybersecurity Marketing Practices?

Execweb is a cybersecurity marketing platform that aims to fix the broken connection between cybersecurity vendors and CISOs.

As vendors are looking to contact relevant CISOs, CISOs are also ready to have security discussions with vendors. However, due to the bombardment of cybersecurity solutions in the market, it becomes difficult for CISOs to find trustworthy and reliable vendors. Most vendors claim more than their solutions can do, eventually putting CISOs into trouble. That’s why CISOs are reluctant to partner with random cybersecurity vendors.

With Execweb, vendors can access hundreds of CISOs and other security practitioners. The platform facilitates 1:1 virtual roundtable meetings between vendors and CISOs so they can discuss security challenges and form long-term business relationships. If you want to make more sales, this is one of the most effective cybersecurity marketing practices that you can use to reap the benefits fast.

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