If you plan to take up childcare to earn some money over the summer or on a regular schedule, start looking for ads that say: babysitter needed. Parents advertise their search for a babysitter in several ways. They typically place an ad in local college papers to attract potential caregivers who are experienced, mature, trustworthy, and looking to earn some extra cash. We’re all familiar with the fact that a college education is expensive, so it’s nice to have some extra side income. Other parents can contact the professional guidance offices and leave their information.

It’s really good to prepare for parental questions before responding to a babysitting-need ad. Parents will typically include details about what they specifically look for in a nanny, such as qualifications, skills, and even personality. Make sure you are aware of your own traits and what you are capable of, then mentally rehearse how you will respond when a parent asks you a series of questions.

Once you find several ads or get information about some families looking for babysitting services, be ready to contact them. If you don’t feel prepared, are very nervous, or are inconsistent, your chances of getting hired are slim. Rather, face your fears by practicing; You could ask a friend to help you with the “rehearsed” interview.

Be sure to let parents know why you would like to apply and what your previous work experience is. Let them know how much babysitting you have done so far and what sets you apart from other caregivers (ie CPR certified). Include other household jobs you are willing to do, such as tutoring and cooking.

Lots of people would respond to a nanny need ad. However, the competition is pretty tough: there will be plenty of other candidates who will want the position. To increase your chances of getting hired, consider formal training (childcare courses, etc.) and register with an online childcare agency.

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