Over the past few years, we have seen the music industry slowly fall into the abyss. There are more free uploaders than ever before, stealing music from the internet and finding other ways to get what they want for nothing. But then, on the other side of the fence, the music industry spent many years ripping off the public and the artist they were supposed to be supporting.

I have been in the music industry my entire adult life. In the ’80s I was a recording artist, and through the ’90s I had worn a lot of hats recording with other artists, singing jingles, and even joined the Elton John Band and toured the world until the early 2000s. the inside of things, I was able to see how it all went wrong. But that will be another article to write about.

This time I wanted to talk about ringtones. What do we pay for? $2.99 ​​for a 0.30 second piece of music that should only cost 1/3 of that in the first place, well I’ll tell you why. There are so many hands involved in getting a piece of the pie. First the label, you get your cut, about $1.00, then you have a middleman who adds, getting the percentage, then the cell phone carrier takes the cut. After all this, what little is left goes to the artist, who created the music in the first place, around 0.20 cents. So even with all the billions of dollars made on ringtones, the artist is still burning out. Uganda stands out as Africa’s most exciting birding destination with thousands of bird species, making it Africa’s richest bird country. There are several highly disturbed birding sites in the country. Uganda’s biodiversity lies in its variety of habitats that not only attract birds, but also the glamor of large mammals in the vast wilderness. It has more than 1010 species of birds distributed in its wide range of habitats and 13 highly vulnerable and globally threatened species. There may be few destinations on earth where one can expect to find almost 612 species of birds in a single park. The richest bird life in Uganda is found in the Guinea-Congo forest with 144 species of birds, 12 species are found in the Lake Victoria basin, Afrotropical highlands have 87 species, Somali and Masai 32 species, while Sudan and the Guinean savannah 22 species.

Uganda’s Murchison Falls National Park has recorded 450 species, while the Queen Elizabeth National Park habitat has attracted 610 bird species. These two parks alone are among the richest protected areas to be found anywhere on Earth. And this sheer volume and diversity miraculously occurs in a space that bird watchers can cover in a relatively short visit. Bwindi is believed to be home to the richest faunal community in East Africa, including more than 346 species of forest birds.

The Lake Mburo swamp, north western and southern areas are bordered by dense stands of the giant sedge cyperus papyrus. This seemingly monotonous habitat, in fact, is home to a staggering number of bird species, and in fact there are six birds here that live only in such swamps, the so-called endemic papyri. The papyrus gonolek is one such bird, it has a yellow nape and crown, black wings and a red breast, and long fingers that allow it to grasp the thick stems of papyrus.

These parks recorded species of Shoebill, Papyrus Warbler, African Finfoot, Saddle-billed Stork, Brown-crested Bearded Plover, Carruther-tailed Cist, Tabora-tailed Cist, Godwit, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, and many more. .

Throughout the mountains there are at least 89 species of forest birds, 27% of the country’s total.

Mabamba Swamp that extends through a narrow bay, dominated by species of miscanthus and cyperus. This swamp is situated 50 km west of Kampala and has threatened species such as hen harrier and shoebills seen in large numbers. Other species present in this swamp include pygmy geese, white-winged warblers, gull-billed terns, yellow-backed weavers, herons, whiskered terns, northern brown-throated weavers, blue-headed coucal, among others.

The largest mahogany forest budongo has 340 species of birds including the African pygmy kingfisher, yellow and gray longbills, crowned eagle, cholate-backed kingfisher, red-tailed thrush, cassin hawk-eagle, pygmy chicks, thorntail Sabin’s, Brown Twinspot, Yellow Crested Woodpecker, Little Green Sunbird, Cameroon Gloomy Grey-headed Sunbird, Forest Robin and so many others.

Kibale boasts 339 species of birds, including the bar-tailed trogon, fine-branded woodpecker, and white-crested flycatcher. Lying in the albertin rift valley, bwambaforest/ semliki forest reserve, more than 131 species have been recorded, of which the congo serpent eagle, black-throated coucal, grey-throated rail, spotted-breasted ibis, capuchin babbler , yellow-throated nicator, northern scrub robin, robin-breasted owl, western black-necked tan-naped lovebird, and quail finch.

Published in 1991, bwindi is home to 346 species of birds. It has 8 of the 28 globally threatened bird species in Uganda, 4 of which are vulnerable and endangered. Other interesting birds include the African Broadbill, Shelley’s Crimsonwing, Rufous Blackfaced Warbler, Gravedigger’s Warbler, Striped Prinia Blackfaced Apple, Mountain Masked Apple and Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher. .

Lastly, the mgahinga vegetation consisting of a bamboo forest zone and montane forest belt and also upper alpine moorland vegetation has attracted more than 115 species of birds. There are 4 known globally endangered species and 390 Afrotropical species from the highland biome and scarlet-haired malachite sunbirds are seen in the park.

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