If you hope to become the best you can be, it is wise to consistently proceed with a realistic, positive, can-do attitude. Although, many people claim to do so, it seems, only a relatively small percentage of them actually do. Some try to convince themselves, by proceeding, wearing rose-colored glasses, that it rarely achieves the best results, when it comes to personal development, growth, and/or quality, confidence, self-help. You may think you can or you can’t. Either way, you’ll be correct! These words, often credited to Henry Ford, emphasized that greatness is only possible, in most cases, when one believes that worthwhile and worthwhile goals can be achieved. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 5 reasons why proceeding in this way throughout life is effective and meaningful.

1. Expand the personal comfort zone: We often limit our possibilities and potential when we proactively take steps to expand the boundaries of our personal comfort zone! Most benefit, when they allow it, from the best possibilities, pursuing, with an open mind, all viable options and alternatives, in order to become the best possible version of ourselves!

2. If you think you can: Those who think and believe they can have a better chance to be better and happier! Faced with obstacles, will you conceive and consider them as problems or as challenges? When one uses problem thinking, one focuses on, reasons, I could fail, whereas, when one perceives this as a challenge to overcome, one emphasizes how one could transform each obstacle into something better and more. productive!

3. Control/overcome your fears: Fears are normal, but the difference comes from whether you allow them, control you, or proactively take the best path, forward, to control them and move forward, in the most positive way!

4. How can you, versus why can’t you: Your personal attitude often dictates whether you focus on all the reasons why you can’t be a winner, versus how you could most effectively use your personal strengths while addressing any (and all) areas. of weakness, sooner rather than later! If you think, you can!

5. Use/address stress effectively, proactively and productively!: Former Nobel laureate, Dr. Hans Selye, received his award for his work on stress and the difference between debilitating stress and the kind used productively. While Selye, referred to the positive – stress, such as, stress, his emphasis was, when we learn from these challenges, instead of repeating the same mistakes, etc., our lives benefit!

Are you willing to focus on maintaining a realistic, true, positive, can-do attitude? Will you consistently, efficiently, and effectively proceed to become the best you can be?

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