Even with all the technological advances the auto industry has developed to make vehicles safer and more secure, one thing hasn’t changed since the days of the Ford Model A: tires are the only parts that touch the road.

That means your tires are still some of the most important components on your vehicle. And that means regular tire maintenance during a quick oil change is one of the best ways to make sure your car is running as safely as possible.

But you’ve probably heard all of that before from your quick oil change technician. And you’ve probably heard from that quick oil change guy that regularly rotating your tires is essential to keeping your tires performing at their optimum level. Getting regular tire rotations is an easy maintenance procedure that can be performed during a quick oil change and can help a vehicle’s fuel efficiency, increase safety level, and extend the life of your tires.

But what does “tire rotation” really mean? What are you doing? After all, don’t the tires spin all the time when the vehicle is moving?

They Yes. But that’s not really what “tire rotation” means, as it’s called during a quick oil change. Tire rotation simply means quick oil change technicians swap front tires for rear ones. No rims are removed and no new tires are added. Some cars, like certain sports cars and hot rods, have rear tires that are larger and different from the front tires. Therefore, quick oil change tire rotation is not available for those vehicles. But if you have a regular car, truck, or SUV, then getting a tire rotation at your next auto change service shouldn’t be a problem.

But why should you do this? Why does simply changing tires during a quick oil change help those tires last longer? And why is it safer? Aren’t you using the same old tires?

Yes you are. But keep in mind that most vehicles are front or rear wheel drive. A car that has front-wheel drive will place more demands on the front tires because things like acceleration and braking fall to the front tires. Since they do all the work, they will wear more than the rear tires, which can take it easy. Rear-wheel drive vehicles, of course, experience the opposite situation, with the rear pair taking the brunt of the abuse.

And rotating tires during a quick oil change can even benefit four-wheel drive vehicles. Although there is a more equal division of labor between the wheels on a four-wheel drive vehicle, there are still significant differences in the way the front tires perform compared to the rear tires. And it’s a good idea to switch sides, too, as tires can wear out depending on which side of the vehicle they’re on. That’s why most quick oil change techs will switch sides when moving the rear tires forward.

Most quick oil change centers also offer free or low-cost tire rotation services for the life of your vehicle’s tires. These programs are usually a good idea. Quick oil change and tire dealers want your business, so they will often give you breaks on things like tire rotation service. You may have to pay more if you’re still using the original tires that came with your vehicle, but those should be able to be rotated with a quick oil change.

So how often should you rotate your vehicle’s tires? The consensus of quick oil change techs seems to be that if you’re using synthetic oil, which requires less frequent changes, then a tire rotation at every quick oil change will keep your tires healthy and your car safe. If you’re using regular petroleum-based oil, any other quick oil change will do. In other words, you should rotate your tires between 6,000 and 10,000 miles.

These standards are generally met when you schedule regular service checks with your quick oil change center or dealer. Since they can keep track of your mileage and service schedule, you won’t have to worry too much about your tire rotation schedule.

An easy extra car service to do with every tire rotation at a quick oil change is to check your tire pressure. The rise and fall of the surrounding air temperature, as well as the changes that occur in summer and winter, will often cause the air pressure in your tires to rise or fall. These fluctuations can cause stress on a vehicle’s tires and, if left unchecked, can lead to tire failure. But not all tires will lose pressure at the same rate. Again, factors such as the location of the tire on the car (in the front as opposed to the rear) and the amount of tire wear can also affect the internal pressure of that particular tire. In other words, you may have three tires with adequate pressure and one that needs some air. A tire with less than optimal tire pressure can create a drop in fuel efficiency, therefore a higher chance of flats and dangerous situations like insufficient car handling and braking.

If you think your car’s tires may not be at optimal pressure, the good news is that checking your tire pressure can be easily done at home or at any quick oil change center. All that is required is a tire gauge that can be purchased at most hardware and drug stores for just a couple of dollars.

But new tires are not cheap. A set of four tires can cost you between $250 and $800 depending on the specifications of your vehicle, so it’s important to extend the life of your tires. The average car will need to change its tires every 30,000 to 75,000 miles, which usually means getting a new set of tires every two to four years.

So how do you know when it’s time to get a new set of tires? Most quick oil change service technicians will recommend a decidedly easy, low-tech test. Take a penny and insert it into one of your tire treads with Lincoln’s head going in first. If you can still see the top of your head, that means there is less than 2/32″ of tread depth left and it’s time to get a new set of tires.

When you get your tires rotated, quick oil change service technicians get a chance to take a look inside your car and uncover any other major automotive issues, like suspension issues. If your quick oil change service technician finds uneven tread on your tires, it could mean improper vehicle alignment or some other steering problem.

Regular tire rotation and general tire maintenance can result in a healthier car that enjoys a long and efficient life. You’ll also have peace of mind knowing you’re doing everything you can to keep your vehicle running safely.

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