Have you ever wondered why it is important to live green? You hear so much today in the newspapers, on the radio and on television about green living that you must realize that there are concerns about the environmental problems of our planet. As our world population continues to grow, the pressure on our natural resources increases as well. Listed below are what I consider to be global concerns about our environment.

Energy is probably the number one concern for most people in today’s society, mainly due to our continued depletion of oil. We need to stop looking for so-called dirty fuels and focus on wind, solar and hydro power for our energy options. Finally, legislation is being passed in Congress to help promote new clean energy resources. You can do your part to conserve energy by keeping your vehicle tuned, adjusting your thermostat, and using energy-efficient appliances.

We must avoid products that contain toxic chemicals. Before buying a cleaning product, check that it contains biodegradable chemicals made from natural resources. By doing just a little bit, you can help keep these types of items out of our waterways and send a message to the big chemical companies by not buying their products, eventually your sales will improve.

Today, our children are exposed to so many additives and pesticides in our food that it scares them. We are creating new health risks daily for our future generation. Avoid foods that contain preservatives and try to eat foods that are completely natural. By doing this, you are on your way to green living. We need to protect our children at all costs.

A couple more examples of how we can go green is by using non-pesticide products on our lawns and gardens. We all know how easy it is to grab the garden hose and water our lawns and gardens. Why not do like me and capture rainwater using a 55 gallon drum attached to your gutters? You will be surprised how easy it is to think about green living.

I challenge anyone who is serious about green living to sit down and make a list of things they can do to help our environment. Include in your list things like light bulbs and that the next time you buy them you are going to buy new energy-saving lamps. Put recyclable paper products on your to-use list so you can help save our dying forest. There are many ways to answer the question “why is it important to live green?”. You will be surprised how many things you will have on your list. Think green and you’ll be doing your part to save the planet.

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