When I was in my 20s, I used to get up in the morning before going to my college classes and run around my neighborhood. Back then we lived in an area that had a lot of hills everywhere, so I would go up and down these hills as I ran. That was a great workout because I had intervals of hard work (uphill) and intervals of fun, easier work (downhill).

But as I ran more and more I started to develop leg cramps, a condition that causes a lot of pain in the legs, especially when running. Shin shin cramps from running can easily occur when you don’t stretch properly and don’t do specific exercises for shin shin cramps.

I thought I was stretching myself at the time, but I’ve learned a few things since then. To avoid that terrible pain again, I have learned what to do about leg cramps. Here are some stretches you can do to prevent leg cramps:

Stand with most of your weight on your left leg and lift your right leg off the floor in front of you. Keep your right leg straight as you make a big circle in the air with your right foot. Make sure to focus on stretching your calf muscles as you make a big circle while only moving your ankle joint. Make five or six large circles, then switch sides and repeat.

Stand a few feet from a wall and lean against the wall. Place your hands on the wall at shoulder height and bend your right knee so all your weight is on your left leg. Focus on stretching your left calf as you drive your left heel toward the ground. Keep your left leg straight. Repeat on the other side. Go back and forth several times.

This same stretch is also very effective in downward facing dog. Lie on your stomach and place your hands near your armpits. Straighten your arms so that your body is in a position to do a push up (body straight, only toes and hands touching the floor). Stretch your buttocks to the ceiling as far as you can while straightening your arms so your biceps are close to your ears. Keep your legs straight and stretch your heels towards the ground. You can rock back and forth between your legs to get an even deeper stretch in your calves.

As with all stretches, always do a little warm-up before beginning the stretch. This way you will avoid injuries to your muscles and tendons.

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