Hair styles are always a popular topic of discussion, but you rarely hear people discuss the relative merits of various pubic hair designs, at least not in public. Some older people might even find the idea of ​​a discussion of pubic hairstyles absurd, as they might be surprised to learn that people even bother to shave “down there.”

Well, the truth of the matter is that go-go sixties and grow-out seventies are a thing of the past. The time of luxurious jungle-like pubic hair patches is long past history, and the world has finally entered what will one day surely be remembered as a golden age for pubic hair styling. As an introduction to these designs, here is a list of the sexiest pubic hairstyles that are commonly worn (but less frequently seen) today.

1. The Triangle is exactly what its name suggests: a triangle-shaped pubic hair design. Of course, as one of the sexiest pubic hairstyles out there today, it leaves room for a lot of creativity. What kind of triangle are you? Is the right triangle a good reflection of your personality? Can you find that 90 degree angle in your life? Or are you more of an isosceles type of person, with two angles matching and two sides of your personality of equal length and importance? Perhaps you are an equilateral triangle, with its three 60-degree angles reflecting your perfect balance of body, mind, and spirit! Could it be that you are more in line with the scalene triangle, with all your angles and sides out of proportion to each other to show off your wilder side? It’s your personality and your appearance, so choose which triangle styles are the sexiest pubic hairstyles for you!

2. The Card Shark is another one of the sexiest pubic hairstyles, and one that allows for some creativity in design. With this look, you shave your pubic hair into patterns that mirror the suits of a deck of cards: hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs. Although hearts are currently the most popular, any combination of the suits can give your pubic region a custom look that is sure to turn heads, assuming you walk around naked all day.

3. The arrow is just that: a thin line of pubic hair with an arrowhead at one end. Perhaps inspired by legendary marksmen like William Tell and Robin Hood, the arrow is one of the sharpest styles out there. As one of the sexiest pubic hairstyles available, it offers little customization, although you can choose to have the arrowhead point up or down. It’s not really understood why the downward pointing arrow is the more popular of the two, although it may have something to do with people losing their sense of direction while drinking. “Um… it’s down there, fool!”

4. For the less adventurous, the close shave is still one of the most popular and sexiest hairstyles out there, though it doesn’t really open up many avenues for discussion, let alone bad humor.

5. Finally, many women find that the absolute sexiest pubic hairstyles are the ones that involve shaving every strand of hair. Probably the biggest advantage of this style lies in the fact that absolutely no artistic creativity is needed to pull it off!

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