As many as a third of Americans are overweight, and that number continues to grow. In fact, obesity has become such a problem that it has been declared an epidemic by the World Health Organization. Many people who are overweight exercise and diet maniacally, yet despite their best intentions and efforts, many still struggle to stick with their regimen, creating the frustrating cycle of losing and gaining weight.

Weight loss hypnosis, when combined with nutritional guidance and regular exercise, has been shown to be a useful tool when trying to break the cycle of yo-yo dieting. It allows those who really want to change their habits to stay motivated, which can help achieve significant and lasting weight loss. In fact, studies in renowned scientific publications, such as the International Journal of Eating Disorders and the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, show a higher success rate for those who incorporated hypnosis into their treatment, compared to those who did not.

When it comes to dieting, many people manage to maintain their focus and willpower when they have an upcoming event that requires them to lose weight. We’ve all seen that excited bride who managed to lose 30 pounds before her wedding, or the man who loses some weight before an upcoming meeting. These important calendar events motivate us to stick with our weight loss routine until we reach our goal. The problem with this approach, though, is that it only works in the short term, because eventually the wedding, reunion, swimsuit season, or whatever happens, and with it goes that motivation. As a result, the weight comes roaring back.

Many people think that being hypnotized means being trapped inside an inescapable trance without free will. But the reality is, when you are in a hypnotic state, you are simply in a very relaxed and focused state of mind. In fact, we go through this state frequently throughout our daily lives, such as when we are engrossed in a great book or movie.

In this state of concentration, you are highly receptive to hypnotic suggestions which, when provided by a clinical hypnotist, can be taken to heart to influence behavior and perceptions in many positive ways. Hypnosis works for weight loss by helping people stay motivated for the long term. For example, instead of choosing a date by which you must have X lb. lighter, your goal is to get to that ideal weight for the sake of doing it, along with all the positive effects that come with it, such as how it will make you feel, both physically and emotionally. This goal is not constrained by a calendar date to stop at, which helps minimize the risk of yo-yoing.

When it comes to long-term weight loss, there is no magic pill. The best solutions are the simplest: eat less, exercise more, and last but not least, not lose weight for a single day. Instead, lose weight for the sake of your long-term health and self-confidence.

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