Have you ever wondered why some people tend to have it all? Most of us will just shrug it off, thinking it’s just a fluke along with a hint of envy.

Most of the population is conditioned by the notion that if we are successful in college, our future is promised with job security and therefore a secure future. The question that plagues all of us when we reach middle age is, why are we still in the bottomless pit? The endless funnels that sucked us into the black hole of debt. We start to question our purpose in life and the whole process starts all over again.

That brings me to the observation I’ve made. The rich or the elite of society, why they deserved to be abundant. The most important characteristic of this privileged group is their belief that they deserved to be happy and wealthy. Happiness is our birthright and money is attracted to happiness. That brings us to the Law of Attraction.

All of us are a supreme magnet within ourselves and, if used correctly, we can attract wealth in the form of knowledge, money and mental health. Unless we take responsibility for our actions for the state we are in now, we will continue to fall into this hole. Justifying and blaming everyone is a guarantee for our journey to our downfall.

Embracing the mindset shift will not change our life right away, we need to take action towards our new goal. Reluctantly facing it with a burning desire, drive and act with commitment to improve our state of mental happiness and financial position.

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