The karmic cycle

The theory of Karma is that every action we do, be it physical, mental or vocal, has an effect on the world we know and sows a seed in our memory and in the memory of others. In other words, it stays with us for the rest of our lives.

For example, if we are unpleasant to someone and we cause harm or someone hurts us, later the memory will replay in our minds and we will probably regress and feel guilty as a result. Despite the fact that the event has passed, the memory persists and continues to affect our mood at the present moment, in addition to causing tension and affecting our body. This can make us feel uncomfortable, tense, and irritable and cause us to act unkind or awkward today, thus creating more arguments and misunderstandings that can only lead to more suffering for ourselves and those around us. This could be seen as the karmic cycle and it is difficult to get out of it, and it will keep repeating until we decide to jump off the merry-go-round. Over time, we may try to suppress the memory and suppress it with all the other bad memories, and this can result in unconscious tensions affecting us without our knowing it. that.

Decrease in karmic workouts

By developing mindfulness and not cultivating negative thoughts, it is possible to gradually lessen the effect of karmic formations. Learning not to react to these thoughts, but simply to be aware and let them pass, like clouds in the sky. Imagine that you are the endless blue of the sky and that your thoughts are the clouds that drift by.

Nurturing loving-kindness

For example, if there is someone in your life who irritates you or you just don’t like them for some reason, negative thoughts and feelings can build up over time, causing you to tense up when you see that person. Whether you act on these feelings or not is up to you, but this person may feel negativity in your presence and it will be very difficult to communicate well or go beyond this point in the relationship. learning not to feed these feelings could allow you to see this person in a new light and in a positive and non-judgmental way and could open up new opportunities; not only will you feel better; They may never be close friends, but it will be less awkward when you see them and create a more harmonious relationship. This can benefit relationships with very close family members or coworkers. At work, your colleagues might think kinder of you and be more helpful, or a strained family relationship might become less strained and result in a closer, more loving situation. Good karma!

Bad things happen to good people

I’ve often heard people say “that’s your bad karma” when something bad happens, but this is clearly not how it works because good people also have tragedies in their lives. That is the nature of reality, no matter how “good” you are, it is still possible for a piano to fall on your head as you walk down the main street tomorrow; just like a very cruel and cruel person could win the lottery. That is not to say that he does not bother to be good, but he is not good just to get a reward or to avoid suffering. When we begin to realize the consequences of our thoughts, words, and actions, we become much more careful. Our thoughts are what determine everything we say and do, and are primarily responsible for what happens in our lives, but not everything.

The butterfly Effect

Of course, there is much more to Karma and the effects that our thoughts and actions have on all levels, on all things; since we are intrinsically part of a greater whole. It is related to interconnection and the butterfly effect theory. A butterfly flaps its wings and contributes to a hurricane on the other side of the world; or prevent it!

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