When you start doing tarot readings it is important to remember that there are two basic types of readings and that these readings are very different.

  • The question

Many Tarot readings focus on a question that the querent has asked. All of your reading will focus on this question and how each card and each location addresses that issue.

  • overall reading

Sometimes the querent just wants a general reading. “Give me a tarot reading.” In this case, he should direct the reading more towards the things that have affected or continue to affect the querent, and how they can best respond to the situation.

The similarities:

Whenever I do a tarot reading, I like to focus on a few things:

  • Consultant Participation

    • Have the querent think about your question (if they have one) and shuffle the cards.
    • If the querent has a question and feels comfortable, ask them to say the question out loud.
    • As you go through each card, confirm with the querent the meaning. This will allow you to adjust not only the meaning of that card, but also give you information to use with each following card.
  • Your role as a reader

    • Don’t try to ‘predict the future’ or appear ‘mystical’. The best tarot readings are those that focus on how the querent can best react to problems in their life.
    • Remember that you are not omnipotent or omniscient. Acting like you have some mystical key to the power of the universe because you spent $19.95 at Barnes and Nobles and checked out a book from the library does NOT increase your credibility as a reader.

The differences:

  • What spreads you can use

    • General readings

      • For general reading with someone new, I always use the Celtic Cross extension. I’m not saying this is the best, or even my favorite, but it lends itself well to general reading and gives you plenty of opportunity for feedback along the way, and I always find I can tie things together. in a reading with which they will be happy in the end.
    • question readings

      • When someone has a specific question, I tend to use fewer cards, especially if they’re willing to ask the question and I have an idea of ​​where it’s going. I find that a spread of five cards is usually the best for a question, and I do multiple spreads of three cards if they have a lot of them.
  • Your goals
    • overall reading

      • Your main goal at the beginning of a general reading should be to read the current situation, including the past. Deal with the forces that are at work in the querent’s life, and what attitudes or actions will best help them deal with these forces. This is by nature very general and does not have to be given in the form of advice.
    • Question

      • Your goal in a question reading should be to answer the querent’s question without telling them what to do. Many clients will ask you some pretty direct questions and want specific answers (a client once told me that she was going to take her boyfriend out for pizza and a movie, and wanted me to help her choose the size of the pizza and toppings and choose the movie for them to see). Remember that the Tarot is a guide and not a manual. Your job as a reader is to guide the querent and NOT tell them what to do. I’m going to repeat this because it’s important: DON’T TELL YOUR CUSTOMER SPECIFICALLY WHAT TO DO.

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