Whether you’re just starting your journey to a better body or just want some extra tone for your flat abs, achieving the perfect six pack requires hundreds of crunches and hours of your time to slim down and trim. However, what if there was a way to get the perfect body without having to do hundreds of crunches? A faster and easier way to tone your abs while doing the simplest things around the house. Well look no further than the SlenderTone Flex Pro Abdominal Muscle Toner. You want to know more? Then read on and check out our review of this abdominal muscle toner.

What is SlenderTone Flex Pro Abdominal Muscle Toner?

This abdominal muscle toner is a toning belt designed to firm and strengthen all three abdominal muscles by providing constant stimulation to your abdominals through a process of electrical muscle stimulation that helps tone your muscles while you carry out basic daily routines such as pulling the trash, walking around the block or relaxing on the couch. This belt aims to produce the same results as if you were doing hundreds of crunches, fitting all waist lines between 27-47 inches with a 2-year warranty.

All you have to do is buckle up and stick the gel pads to your skin, allowing signals to be sent from the belt to the nerves, helping to relax and contract your muscles, performing an effective abdominal workout.

This toner includes seven built-in programs and 99 intensity levels, a wide variation for beginners, intermediates, and more experienced individuals.

What are the advantages of using this abdominal belt?

The great advantage of this SlenderTone toner is that you can literally use it at any time of the day, no matter what activity you are doing. You can wear this belt while cycling, while at your desk at work, or while hanging out with the kids, acting as an inner trainer for your body with little effort. It comes with its own batteries, triple A batteries that are easily replaceable, as well as an easy-to-carry carry bag to put it in when you’re not using it. Also, if you continue to suffer from a back injury that prevents you from doing more intense exercises and crunches, this belt is perfect as it helps you achieve your desired body without causing further injury or pain.

What are the disadvantages of using this abdominal belt?

This product sends signals to your nerves to cause your muscles to relax and contract, which may not be suitable for some people who have other electrical stimulators placed inside their body. Also, the idea of ​​a product that makes your muscles contract and relax via electrical impulses can be off-putting.

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