I am, by nature, a very skeptical person. I haven’t always been like this. When he was younger he was trusting and to be honest gullible. If you told me something, I would believe you. I thought people were trustworthy, and for the most part still do. But, I research things before jumping in. I need proof for almost anything, or I don’t fully believe it.

That is why, when my wife started to learn about Reiki, I supported her but did not believe. For those who don’t know, Reiki is a type of “energy healing” originating in Japan. To learn Reiki, you take classes and get started. This is a matter of debate within Reiki circles, some say that you can heal without the attunements as a gift from God. Others say that the attributes are necessary. There are at least three levels of attunements, maybe four, depending on your inclinations. You can be a Level 1, Level 2, Reiki Master, or Reiki Master/Teacher.

The power of the levels doesn’t change much, but the ability to heal from a distance is added, and then the ability to teach others and give empowerments is added. You are also given symbols at higher levels to help you with your energy levels. If all of this sounds like some kind of maudlin faith healing to you, I totally identify. If you think that’s a bunch of crap, I can understand that too.

I didn’t think much of it, but Deb (my lovely wife) said her hands tingled and she felt vibrations whenever she was doing healing, or even thinking about Reiki. After she got her level two initiations, I decided that she might take the level one class, just to have a point of reference when we talked about these things. I went to class feeling a bit silly, but willing to listen and participate. After initiation, we were practicing with each other.

There were six people in my class, so we were paired. The strangest thing happened. I heard a whisper in my ear. It sounded like the voice of a child. “It’s the heat”. I turned my head around. Nobody was there. Nobody was closed. This is very strange. I said to Deb, “Did you hear that?” His response was something like, what are you talking about? So I told Suesie the Reiki Master/Teacher, I just heard a voice saying it’s the heat. She just smiled and told me that when people tune in, sometimes their ability to hear or see things from other planes also improves.

The strange thing was that my hands were actually getting warm while I was ‘doing’ the Reiki. We finished training and I went on with my day. As part of all of this, we were supposed to practice every day on ourselves or on others. So I did. My hands kept getting warm when I did this. I mean there was a measurable temperature difference. They didn’t just ‘feel warm’ to me, they were literally hotter.

This intrigued me so I decided to get my level two attunements. I went to a different teacher, Dave, to get a new perspective. Suesie was very practical. Dave was more spiritual. Not religious; that would have sent me on my way. He was, and is, spiritual. He is a wonderful, loving person who wishes only the best for everyone. I hope one day to have the peace that he has, and the kindness that he exhibits. I think I’m getting there. Long story short, I’ve gotten my level two attunements and my hands are warmer than ever when I’m thinking or practicing Reiki.

I believe. The whole Reiki experience has made me more spiritual and has altered my basic beliefs to some degree. I believe there are higher powers. I don’t know if the God of the Bible is real, as portrayed in today’s Bible, but I believe there is truth in that book. I think there is some kind of life after death. That? I don’t know. Do we maintain this same identity? I don’t think we are who we think we are now. I believe that who we are now is only a small part of our true identity. I think we’ll join the rest of us when we’re gone. I think we’re here to gain perspective and experience, whatever that is. And, for the first time in my life, I’m not worried about death and dying. I remain skeptical of many things, but Reiki is not one of them.

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