For those of us who remember playing on schoolyards in what we call impromptu games, most of us remember people who didn’t like a particular outcome, grabbed their basketball, etc., and they took the ball, and went home! Unfortunately, it seems that the political system in the United States has deteriorated, to the extent that we have seen too much selfish and juvenile behavior, and very, very little responsible, responsive, etc. action. Especially in the last four years, the rhetoric of Donald Trump, who constantly, consistently resorted to blaming and complaining about others, and seemed to avoid taking any personal responsibility, reminded me of those days of my youth (and, not in a good way!). Everything, with which he did not agree, or did not agree with him, was referred to with some label, such as Fake News, Deep State, political hoax, etc. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 examples of this type of reckless behavior.

1. Polls you didn’t like: Every time a poll came out, which he didn’t feel was positive enough, the president called it political and rigged by the fake media! Of course, when something positive was spread, he was quoted to that same medium. He emphasized and us against themphilosophy and approach, which created, the degree of polarization, that few have witnessed, before, in recent memory.

two. The results were rigged, etc.: Since before the Presidential election, this President began to make allegations of irregularities, but never presented evidence and/or evidence. When the results came in, and he didn’t like losing, he used every avenue possible to dispute them, including some 60 court cases and numerous appeals, as well as the rhetoric, many believe, left behind in the horrific events of January 6, 2021. Although he and his main supporters stick to their guns, every count, significant court ruling, etc. clearly indicates that he lost! How did that behavior help this nation?

3. Unrest: Many point out that the insurrection and riots on Capitol Hill last January followed a pattern of behavior Trump at least encouraged and at worst was partly responsible. Encourage protesters who carry weapons (including assault weapons) to protest at the Michigan state house, equating the protesters in Charlottesville, referring to them as, Lots of good people, on both sides, etc., created a sense of empowerment and entitlement, in the minds of many people, many of whom said, epilogue, felt that the president asked/told them to do it. Many Republican lawmakers, by refusing to hold Trump accountable, or even seriously consider reviewing troubling behaviors, created the monster! To this day, we continue to see these kinds of juvenile and irresponsible approaches from senators like Johnson (of Wisconsin), who, he claims, the insurrection was not nearly as bad as the media reported (perhaps it should have been). tell that to the dead and wounded cops, etc), and it was another political hoax! We need an adult, in the room!

Four. Pandemic reports: From the beginning, when Trump claimed the pandemic was a hoax, and then continued to downplay its impacts, to discourage others, in terms of wearing a mask, social distancing, and personal responsibility, the emphasis was not on creating a workable plan. , to address it, but rather blame the press and the Democrats for whatever the voters/public are complaining about!

5. Alternative “facts”: When his spokesman responded to someone’s question about the amount, Trump appeared to make mistakes and referred to them as alternative “facts,” we should have been concerned. While we are all entitled to our own opinion, facts are facts, and should not be manipulated to serve anyone’s personal/political agenda, and/or self-interest.

Wake up, America, and refuse to settle for youth leadership and insist on the integrity and ethics of those we elect! Are you ready to become a more responsible voter and citizen?

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