A change in the way we think

The New Thought Movement is a paradigm shift in the way we view the world, ourselves, and others. The movement has been around for thousands of years, but was actually illegal in many parts of the world before the fundamental principles became guaranteed human rights under the US constitution in 1776 and, beginning in 1948, rights guaranteed under the “Declaration Universal Declaration of Human Rights” of the United Nations. Rights.”

The magnitude of what is happening here is difficult to express because, like all massive paradigm shifts, it is happening slowly. Like a glacier moving with imperceptible speed forever changing the face of the Earth, so too the New Thought Movement is forever changing the landscape of our minds.

A closer look:

Okay, so what is this massive paradigm shift anyway? What is affecting it and where is it headed?

The New Thought Movement is a full-blown assault on the core of five critical aspects of all of our lives:

  1. Gender and Race Equality
  2. religious equality
  3. scientific evolution
  4. The human potential to create and manifest
  5. Medical Equality

wow! That’s a pretty ambitious effort for any movement, but what might be beyond their field of vision is just how massive the change already is. Each of these areas is quite large, so for the sake of this short article, I’m going to touch on each of them briefly.

Gender equality

Often called the mother of the New Thought Movement, Emma Curtis Hopkins was instrumental in the rapid expansion of the movements from the 1850s to the 1920s. What few people realize is that Emma was dedicated to the evolution of these movements. five fronts simultaneously, but felt that “Women’s Equality” was the most missing aspect. To these ends, she is remembered as one of the largest and most influential contributors to the passage of the US 19th Amendment (voting rights for women) which laid the groundwork for the passage of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” in the United States. United Nations in 1948, which guarantees the right of women. participate in democracies around the world… Not bad at all, huh?

religious equality

The New Thought Movement has sought to reform world religion with a two-pronged approach:

  • First: The idea that people are born into original goodness and that the Universal Divinity is benevolent rather than angry or wrathful.
  • Second: The belief that all the world’s religions are simply variations of the same universal truths (different paths to the same end result)

The New Thought religious movement addresses the two cores of religion by eliminating the ideas of “The only true faith” and “Born a sinner, born to suffer.” However, with those two small changes, it allows all other practices of each individual faith to remain unchanged by embracing the idea that all religions inherently teach the same truth. But what a difference it makes!

Already, after only 150 years, churches of various faiths have begun to adopt these two central teachings into their philosophies and statutes. More than 100 million people have made these principles part of their personal philosophies, making New Thought Religions (as a group) the eighth largest religious body on the planet.

The reform is subtle, but it is slowly being integrated into churches and religious organizations around the world.

scientific evolution

Perhaps nowhere has the New Thought Movement had such a rapid and dramatic impact as the Scientific Community. New Thought tenets postulate that consciousness actually influences reality, and in 1932 New Thought quantum physicist Werner Karl Heisenberg was awarded the Nobel Prize for demonstrating beyond doubt that consciousness was affecting and influencing consciousness. very fabric of reality when he established and tested the matrix formulation. of quantum mechanics.

In the 80 years since then, quantum physics has become the global standard, and everything we understand about time, space, energy, and reality itself has been reassessed to include the simple idea that we really influence the world. world around us at all levels.

The human potential to create and manifest

For thousands of years, the idea of ​​”born poor, die poor” was the dominant paradigm throughout the world. Of course, we’re not just talking about wealth, the idea is that the situation you’re born into dictates the rest of your life.

In the modern world it has become commonplace to believe that we have the innate right to try to create a better life for ourselves. This is a huge paradigm shift in global consciousness with implications that extend to all aspects of our lives.

It has become so common to believe that we can change and create our destinies that it is almost hard for the modern mind to imagine a time just 150 years ago when 99% of all people believed that they were born into a situation that they could not change. . Today, most humans are deeply entrenched in the idea that through hard work and determination they can create the life they choose. Could there be a more massive change than that?

Medical Equality

The New Thought tenets that the mind has natural healing powers accessible through alignment and harmony with nature are beginning to gain wide acceptance within the medical community throughout the world.

While perhaps the slowest community to embrace the New Thought Paradigm, over the past 150 years the medical community has broadened its self-definition to include esoteric principles such as: Herbology, Acupuncture, Massage, Psychology, and Chiropractic to the point of accepting that these practices are covered by most modern medical insurance.

putting it all together

Changes in consciousness come slowly, building over time. The New Thought Movement with its esoteric notions of personal empowerment and equality for all has already seeded our global consciousness and taken root as the highest truths of humanity. What was once considered mystical has now become ordinary as people around the world find themselves empowered to create the life of their dreams.

As I look to the future of our planet, my history as a professional statistician shows me the inevitable truth: “It is only a matter of time before these principles of equality and empowerment replace the old paradigms of slavery and servitude once and for all.” It’s a bright and shiny future ahead, and it’s much closer than you think!

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