What is the official definition of a millionaire? How can we measure ourselves against the word rich?! Here are some ideas:

“a person whose material wealth is valued at more than one million dollars”

It is interesting to note that all of those definitions talk about an individual’s net worth, usually measured in their native currency. So if you want to become a millionaire fast, the easiest way to do it would be to move to Zimbabwe…

If that’s not your cup of tea, then maybe we should look at other strategies. To become a millionaire, you must be able to define what a millionaire is. I know we’ve reviewed some previous definitions, so it’s time to throw others into the mix.

I am going to say that being a millionaire is a mindset. It’s a perception. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also about money. But money is only a small part of being a millionaire. When I made the decision to become a millionaire, it wasn’t because I wanted a million dollars in a bank account.

For me, being a millionaire is all about lifestyle, the way I think, the way I spend my time and the things I do. It’s being able to provide for my family and friends, it’s being able to focus my efforts on other projects, giving to charity and spending time with my family.

If you were a billionaire and you were 80 years old and your health was in poor shape, would you feel like a millionaire? Maybe, but the point is that no matter how much money you have, you can’t buy more time.

So how hard is it to become a millionaire? Well, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you have a decision to make. Are you going to wake up feeling like a millionaire? Or will you wake up and feel exactly like yesterday (unless you woke up yesterday feeling like a millionaire)?

If you have trouble digesting this. ask yourself”How would a millionaire act? How would they wake up? What would a typical day be like for them?Now that you have an idea of ​​what’s going on, why not bring it to life? I’m sure you can handle just one day of living like a Millionaire!

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