Sleep is vital to your health and well-being; the average adult needs seven to eight hours of sleep a day to feel their best. Our work and social responsibilities, however, can cause stress that disrupts our normal sleep schedule and deprives us of the rest we need for optimal health.

If you’ve been having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, the following tips can help you establish a healthy sleep routine that will help you stay in better health.

1. Establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible. When you go to bed and wake up around the same time each day, you are working according to your natural circadian rhythms. Avoid sleeping late, even when you don’t have to go to work. When you fall asleep, you’re not actually making up for lack of sleep by going to bed later than normal.

2. Avoid using stimulants like caffeine or nicotine close to bedtime. These substances are notorious for keeping people awake; in fact, it’s best to avoid using them in the eight hours before your usual bedtime. Although it is actually a depressant rather than a stimulant, alcohol is also known to disrupt sleep and should also be avoided before going to sleep.

3. Do not eat large meals or drink large amounts of liquid before going to bed. Dinner should be a light meal and eaten at least two hours before bedtime. Foods that tend to cause heartburn or upset stomach should not be eaten before bed for obvious reasons. Drinking too much fluid before bedtime should be avoided to avoid the need to wake up during the night to answer the call of nature.

4. Exercise regularly. Exercise is great for helping you maintain body weight and generally stay fit, and regular exercise also helps you stick to a regular sleep schedule and get deeper, more restful sleep. While exercise is a great thing, working out right before bed isn’t; this can make it more difficult to fall asleep. Try to schedule your workouts for the morning or evening.

5. Make sure your bedroom provides a suitable sleeping environment. The place where you sleep should be dark, quiet and comfortable.

6. Relax before bed to end the day. Soft music, a warm bath, or reading are good ways to relax and prepare for sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, try not to worry about it; this will only make it harder for you to fall asleep. If you can’t fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and try to do something relaxing before going back to bed.

7. Having trouble falling asleep from time to time is normal; but having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep regularly is not. If your inability to fall asleep is becoming a problem, see your doctor to find out if you have a sleep disorder, and if so, seek treatment.

If you’re having trouble establishing a healthy sleep routine, try these seven suggestions; They have worked for many. If you have a sleep disorder, seek treatment as soon as possible – sleep is too important to your health to live with this type of problem.

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