You may be starting out in a new facility, a new city, or growing a business. The need to win customers will be constant and constant. You always want a growth model of your base and have a training plan with a frequency of at least once a week with all clients with the possibility of increasing certain clients when a hole is opened.

Where do you start? With actions, not with thoughts. There’s a time and a place to sit behind a computer, but if you’re trying to grow your business to have customers next week to stay in business, you need to get up. Go out and network, shake hands, build relationships and solicit business. There is nothing wrong with asking for help.

If you don’t ask, nobody knows that you need it or that you have a vacancy. People are happy to help when they can. Especially if they benefit. Below are several ways to turn your help into a help for them.

1. Tell everyone new you meet that you are new. Let them know that you want to experience the environment and that you currently have no clients. Let them know you’d love to meet with them for a free consultation or courtesy session to get used to your new space. Know your hours. Give them two days and a block of times. Make it clear that there is no charge, but that you are reserving this place for them. If you set aside two three-hour block days to do this and schedule 45-minute appointments, you’ll see eight new people. You should sell at least one of that! If you’re a good match and they said yes, they probably need or want help with something. And you should get a reference from each of them so you can keep track.

2. Make calls to your niche. I, for example, work with senior fitness as one of my niches. First day on the job in a new town I called eight retirement communities after I got off work. I offered to come and give a presentation on recent research and show a video if time permitted. From there, I extended an invitation to a special group training session to be held twice a week in the early evening. Of the eight communities, two responded positively. Of those two, out of 22 attendees I have 5 seniors in a small group.

3. Post a banner about a free back pain prevention seminar. For me that is what it was, for you it may be something different. Using foam rollers, prenatal fitness, yoga for families, the possibilities are endless. Think of a smaller, more unique niche, rather than a big one. That is not intuitive. But if you’re the new kid on the block, you have to specialize. From the free seminar, provide a coupon for a small group discount offered at the same time you brought your audience to the seminar.

4. Start working in membership or become the best friend of the membership team. If there is a free personal training session with new memberships, please request the ones that fit best. Tell the membership staff exactly who you work best with. Be specific about how you help them. Membership staff want to look good. They want the customer to have a great experience. And if you make that happen, they will recommend more. If 5 new members join a day? That should get you at least one new customer every day. Talk to your membership friends early and often.

5. Approach the reception staff. Let them know what you can help with (and name three specialties). That could be strength training routines, core exercises, or upper body toning. The more specific information the front desk staff has, the better able they are to help you. At least two or three people walk up to the desk asking about personal training. Also post a sign for those who missed out on joining your free sessions. You can acquire a great deal of interest for those for whom now is the most suitable time.

6. Exercise. Use the space. Use your unique style of working out and you’ll attract the attention of someone using the club at the time you want to work out and they’ll wonder what you’re doing. Open conversations. Don’t wait for others to do it. It’s your house, your party. Get familiar and comfortable in your space.

7. If you have a few minutes, like I did while waiting for training or a staff meeting to start. Strike up a conversation with the people milling about in the lobby or cafeteria. Ask them why they joined the club, what they like about it, what they do and what their goals are. People love to talk about themselves. They will be friendly faces and potentially new clients or referral resources. Think middle-aged and older adults for this. They are secure in their lives, love to help, and have probably been in your shoes. Have your card handy and use it. Ask about yours.

Do all of them, not just one. She keeps making them. A waiting list is what you want!

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