If there’s anything positive about celebrity deaths, it’s that they create opportunities to educate the average Jane and Joe audience about how an acidic lifestyle and diet causes illness and disease that can affect them, too.

In the recent cases of the great and beloved journalist Tim Russert and the iconic counterculture comedian George Carlin, there is a window of opportunity to educate people about the risks of an acidic lifestyle and diet and how it causes heart disease, which is still the nation’s number 1 symptom of men and women, and what they can do to prevent it.

As a country, we must shift our focus to disease and illness prevention by increasing funding for research on how lifestyle and diet are the true cause of atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks, and other disease symptoms.

Advances in heart research and changes in the way doctors manage heart disease have made it a chronic disease. Modern acid therapies, such as statins and acid aspirin, have increased, not decreased, the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and acid heart attacks.

That includes Russert, who was being treated for heart disease. I would have wanted us to discuss heart disease, bring it out for full disclosure, put it on the record, and then come back and vote for change.

Did Russert work too hard? Yes. Was she on an acidic diet? Yes. Could anything have been done to prevent her fatal acid heart attack? Absolutely! A cucumber a day instead of statins and aspirin would have been the right choice. Maintaining the body’s alkaline design is the only treatment to prevent atherosclerosis, strokes, and heart attacks.

Carlin, who suffered multiple acid alkaline heart attacks and would no doubt have benefited from a lifestyle and diet, once said that “death occurs by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.

Unfortunately, Carlin was completely wrong about the causes of death. The problem is not swallowing saliva. The problem is swallowing acidic saliva with a pH below 6.8 caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet. A person does not die of a stroke or heart attack. A person dies from acidic lifestyle and dietary choices that lead to stroke or heart attack. The truth is that stroke or heart attack is a consequence of daily lifestyle and diet choice! You don’t have a heart attack, you have to do it with your thoughts, your words and your deeds.

Some of us are given a genetic hand with weak hearts in spades. Family history or should we say family acidic lifestyles and diets, in fact, is the biggest risk factor for heart disease and disease.

Even then, we can live longer and healthier lives if we adapt to an alkaline lifestyle and diet that can prevent ALL disease and illness.

In a way that might make Carlin smile, here are seven dirty words about acid heart disease:

1) Diet: Acidic dairy, acidic animal proteins, coffee, tea, vinegar, soy sauce, soft drinks, alcohol, all sugar, including high-sugar fruits and sugar substitutes They form acids in the body and are known to contribute to weakening blood vessels and heart muscle leading to stroke and heart disease.

2) Genetics: African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans have higher rates of high blood pressure and heart disease. Most genetic weaknesses are triggered by an acidic lifestyle and diet. Give up your acidic lifestyle and diet and genetics will no longer be a factor!

3) Stress: Overworking, dramatic personal lives, worry, depression are all lifestyle factors that contribute to heartburn, and also fuel acid-forming stress with too much alcohol and other acidic drugs. (Carlin reportedly went through drug and alcohol rehab in 2004)

4) Smoking: The acids in smoke are sugar and nicotine, which constrict blood vessels and strain the heart and lungs, leading to stroke and heart disease.

5) Inactivity: the heart is a muscle that must be exercised to remove the metabolic acids that break it down; even moderate activity is helpful, and losing 10 pounds of acid can lower your heart risk.

6) High blood pressure (greater than 160/90 – ideally less than 140/80) with a high pulse (greater than 80 beats per minute – ideally less than 70 beats per minute) — leads to acid stress improper in a variety of organs, including the heart; combined with other acidic risk factors, it increases the chance of an acidic stroke or heart attack by more than 300%.

7) Denial: Saying “it won’t happen to me,” without changing your acid lifestyle and diet to an alkaline lifestyle and diet guarantees that you won’t see a decrease in your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

I can debate it all day, but there is nothing fun about a stroke or heart disease caused by an acidic lifestyle and diet. We’ve had two perfect examples this week.

If these seven dirty words about stroke or heart disease ring true, then start alkalizing your body. It’s not too late to do something to lower your risk of dying prematurely from an acidic stroke or heart attack, and improve and prolong your life with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. In fact, these seven bad words of advice also apply to ALL diseases, illnesses, and ailments, including cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, osteoporosis, just to name a few.

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