It’s silly of you to think that you can lose body fat fast, but what do you call fast weight loss?

What it means is this: rapid weight loss is losing 30 pounds of pure body fat in 4 weeks. Remember that most people gain body fat over a period of time and it is possible to lose weight that fast and it is not too much to wait. However, the good news is that you can lose fat weight faster than you gained it. You better believe it. I was able to lose 13kgs in 4 weeks but in my case it was exceptional. It is actually possible to lose 30 pounds of pure body fat in just 15 weeks, that’s only 2 pounds of body fat in one week. If it took you to gain 50 pounds in 2 years, losing 30 pounds of body fat in 15 weeks is really EASY and POSSIBLE.
How do you lose 30 pounds in 15 weeks?

Now, you still need to put in some effort. To lose 30 pounds in 15 weeks, you need to come up with a plan that includes diet and exercise. The best exercise and diet plan will help you lose 2 pounds in a week, also learn how your body burns calories, immune system, what happens when we exercise, body conditioning and relaxation.

You must have some degree of knowledge about rapid weight loss to see faster weight loss results. Think about it. Have you ever seen an overweight health and fitness instructor at your local gym or nutritionists?

Here are some of the basics of fast and safe weight loss and easy-to-implement ideas:

– Use skimmed milk as it is rich in calcium and low in calories. For coffee, use nonfat powdered milk

– Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Don’t drink carbonated drinks. Drinking water is safe and helps you lose weight fast in the most effective way.

– Eat lots of small meals. Depending on your metabolism, 6 to 9 small meals is much better than eating a heavy meal and skipping other meals a day. This will help you more likely to eat more food later.

– Any form of exercise is likely to help you burn calories, so get your butt off the meat.

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