Many smokers believe that it will be very difficult or even impossible for them to quit. This belief can be a self-fulfilling trap unless you realize that there is a way out.

Henry Ford famously said “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”. So we can translate that as if you think you can quit or you think you can’t, you’re right.

This may sound too easy, but actually changing your mind and thinking can be tricky. Bruce Lipton Ph.D describes a human being as a large petri dish and the medium that feeds us is our blood. He goes on to say that what defines the blood is our thoughts.

Our thoughts create a chemical response and we release hormones that match our thoughts. If we are in a state of fear and worry, then we produce more stress hormones. This makes us feel worse and makes us feel defeated, sometimes before we even start.

The belief that quitting smoking is hard will create stress hormones, you will feel worse and probably smoke more and feel even worse while punishing yourself.

So now you want to quit, so you create the belief that you can. Find evidence to support it, such as talking to others who have quit smoking before you or reading articles about the success of hypnosis for quitting smoking.

Little by little you gain confidence and begin to believe that you too can quit smoking. As the belief in him grows stronger, he may create mental images of himself as a non-smoker. This in turn produces trustworthy hormones like testosterone and feel-good hormones like dopamine.

Now you can perform your hypnosis session with a high probability of success.

But what if you’re trying to be positive but you’re full of self-doubt? Being anxious about quitting is natural, because it’s important to you, so do your best but be determined to succeed. Don’t just try it and see what happens!

Go into hypnosis with an attitude that although I am nervous, I am absolutely committed to quitting smoking and to my future and I will make it. Nothing will stop me from quitting. This attitude will support you and you will walk in with your head held high in a position of power and expectation and you will be set free.

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