Don’t worry, if you’ve already determined how to teach your child to clean up, whether he’s a boy or a girl, you’ll surely be able to help him get back on track.

Is there regression or not?

Ask yourself first if your child is really on the decline from cleaning or if they never really mastered cleaning in the first place. According to potty training experts, a truly clean child should want to go potty, whereas a child who has accidents every day and doesn’t care still can’t be considered “clean.” Perhaps you unknowingly began teaching your child to be clean when he or she was not ready for it. Did you know that girls can start learning a little earlier? Don’t worry: consult your pediatrician to find out when to start again with sphincter control and resume the task gradually.

Don’t panic!

If you really noticed a regression in potty training, don’t panic. If he does have an accident, don’t overreact as you could make him even more anxious about the process, which could lead to other problems. Stay calm and gently remove the focus of the accident and encourage your child to go to the bathroom again.

Now let’s move on to the underlying cause.

Many children begin to experience accidents at times of great change or disturbance, such as a move or a new sibling. Talk to them about the stressful changes that are happening in your life. However, don’t be surprised if accidents happen at night or during naps; this part takes longer in many children. Also, determine if there are any physical problems, such as constipation, that are preventing your success. If your little one has a hard time pooping, he may start to fear poop, to avoid stress (if so, consult your pediatrician to find a solution, such as increasing fiber intake. Also, make sure to use Soft toilet paper that won’t irritate your child Charmin Ultra Soft is a great choice, as is Charmin Sensitive, even softer.

Remind your child to try the potty many times a day.

Often children become so enthralled with an activity that they simply don’t want to stop to go to the bathroom. Make sure that you and the other tutors encourage your child to visit the bathroom frequently so that he or she will try it at least once. Do it when the child wakes up and before going to bed, as well as immediately before leaving the house and when you think it is necessary.

Repeat what worked the first time

Were you offering your child incentives, such as a blackboard with stickers on it? Repeat it! Many parents give a sticker for each accident-free day, and then a special surprise after a series of stickers. Get creative, maybe your child enjoys a longer bedtime story, for example. And for some children, your praise is the best reward: “You did very well!”

Don’t dramatize, ever. There is no need to punish your child. If, for example, he starts to urinate in bed, don’t hesitate to discuss it with him, explaining that you are aware that things have changed for him. By comforting his children, he shows them that he understands the situation and his feelings.

don’t count the days

You may be wondering how long this regression period will last. It will take time for your child to get used to the new situation. She tries to manage her own stress and also learns to trust him.

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