Building your business on the web is a complex operation that requires the application of a wide range of skills. You need the business skills of business model conceptualization, business model testing, and feasibility studies; artistic design and layout skills; language skills for copying and content writing; and technical programming and scripting skills. That’s pretty tough and not something your average web design company can handle.

Using a different company for each of these tasks could lead to chaos. So it’s a good idea to entrust the entire project to an online marketing agency. With in-house specialists in all required disciplines, such an agency can take your project from conception to completion. In the meantime, you can continue with the tasks that really create value for your company, such as product development. Let’s see the range of services that an agency of this type can offer.

If your company is new to e-commerce, you need to determine the right business model for you. Then you have to do a feasibility study. These tasks are known as business model conceptualization and business model testing.

If your business model is feasible, the next step is to find a home for your website on the Internet. For this you need domain registration and web hosting. The next step is to actually create your website, which involves determining and creating content and graphics and setting the layout and layout. Also, you need to equip your website with the technical systems to support your business model. This could involve creating a shopping cart, for example.

With your website up and running, you should get traffic. You can do this in two basic ways. The first is to use search engine optimization (SEO) to make sure that those who are looking for your product or service find your website. SEO is of two main types: on-page, which involves adjusting your page content and tags, and off-page, which primarily involves building links to other websites.

The second method to get traffic is to use pay per click (PPC) campaigns like Google ad words. This involves doing keyword research to determine the terms your prospects will use to search for the type of products your business offers. Next, you develop small ads for your product. These ads appear in search results and every time your ad is clicked, you pay a fee. This is sometimes known as search engine marketing (SEM). Your business model can also use affiliate marketing to sell other people’s products for a commission or email marketing which involves a sales campaign conducted through email.

The tasks and associated skills required to put up a business website are considerable. One-stop online marketing agencies can plan and carry out all the necessary tasks and will relieve you of considerable administrative burden. Taking care of all your online marketing solutions will allow you to focus on the main strategic drive of your operation.

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