She has completed nursing school and received her certification. You got a job in scrubs that allows you to use your new skills. Are you supposed to start taking classes again now? Today nurses are expected to take continuing education every year to re-qualify for their licenses, regardless of their level. The number of hours you must take varies from state to state. However, taking continuing education classes has never been easier. Local hospitals often offer on-site classes at no charge. Local universities, community colleges, trade schools, and also online nursing schools offer classes throughout the year. If you choose this option, make sure the school you choose is accredited by the organization that issues your license. Another way to get the required continuing education, which is more time consuming and expensive but also more fun, is to attend medical conferences. Medical conferences often offer continuing education programs for the duration of the conference and since medical conferences are often held in great vacation destinations like Hawaii or Las Vegas, you can enjoy after school on the beach or next to the pool.

The online continuing education option is perhaps the most practical for most people who wear scrub pants. You can study anywhere there is internet access, at any time, at your convenience. Online nursing degree programs allow RNs to complete the education requirements necessary to re-qualify for licensure, as well as improve their skills to provide better patient care and qualify for career advancement opportunities. A nursing degree is essential for some jobs, such as case management and supervisory positions. It also provides a foundation for future graduate study in nursing. Some nursing specialty programs available online include legal nurse consultancy, for RNs who work for law firms or insurance companies. This program teaches nurses how to analyze and review medical records, conduct medical and legal research, interview expert witnesses, and assist attorneys with trial information. Another program is forensic nursing, which involves the use of nursing skills in criminal investigation.

Nurses in this twelve-month program learn to identify causes of injury and death, collect evidence, and help victims follow-up care. Life care planning is a specialty involved in helping patients with significant disabilities or chronic medical conditions in their homes. Case management nursing is a specialty that involves monitoring the medical, financial, and social aspects of health care services for patients and their families. Case management nurses learn how to conduct assessments, conduct research, analyze data, manage patient care and health services, and where to purchase scrubs. Opportunities for nursing case management are found in departments of public health, workers’ compensation and other insurance companies, long-term care facilities, and social and human service agencies. The wide variety of nursing specialties available online, plus its flexibility and convenience, makes this continuing education option particularly attractive.

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