97% of people who make New Year’s resolutions abandon them within 30 days. With a failure rate like that, why should I even bother? Is there a secret to successfully keeping my resolutions? Maybe you should make the decision to gain weight, exercise less, develop bad habits, procrastinate, and watch more TV in the new year. Maybe I could keep resolutions like that.

No, that is not the answer. We need to resolve to do things in the new year that will make us better people and improve the world. Here are four simple tips to make it easier to keep those resolutions:

1) Start with small steps – Don’t set out to lose 30 pounds. Resolve to skip dessert once a week and exercise once a week. After these small changes become habits, make bigger changes and increase your exercise time. Small successes will inspire you to keep going. If your goals are too high, you are doomed to fail. Start small and work your way up to bigger and better things over time.

2) Be specific: Don’t set general goals. If you decide to be a better spouse this year, you don’t have a plan; so most likely it won’t happen. Think of something specific that your spouse would like you to do for him or her (such as giving him or her a back rub at the end of the day, picking up your underwear, or taking out the trash without being asked). Resolve to make the effort to do that one thing on a regular basis. Small changes can make a big difference in your relationship. Little things DO mean a lot.

3) Have some responsibility. We all need someone to control us. Knowing that someone will ask me how I am doing will motivate me to work towards the goal. Share with a friend what you have decided to do and ask them to check in with you each week. There’s a higher chance that you’ll push yourself a bit when you’re expecting to report back on your progress.

4) Choose to do something that has a reward. If you decide to eat more liver this year or walk 5 miles and do 300 sit-ups every day, what pleasure will you get from it? Set goals that provide a sense of satisfaction upon completion. Determine to do something that you will enjoy so much that you will want to keep doing it.

Here’s a resolution you can easily stick to this year. Bring some joy to a sick child in 2007. It’s a small step that takes just a few minutes and won’t cost you a thing. The reward is knowing that you have brought a little more joy to the life of a suffering little one. Visit the HUGS and HOPE website (http://www.hugsandhope.org) and read about the children featured there. Pick a child and send them a cheery email or postcard. That’s all about it. Here’s a goal you can achieve – make a difference this year, one smile at a time. Be in the 3% who will achieve success in fulfilling resolutions this year. And one of the smiles you create could be yours!

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