As a society we have instant access to information. It has reached the point of information overload. If you do a Google search for the word “money”, you’ll get 943,000,000 results (give or take). This makes it nearly impossible to find just what you’re looking for.

Much of the information is not very good. Most of it is just fluff thrown on a homemade website full of grammatical and contextual errors. You may be thinking that this is bad news, but it is actually very good news for you.

What makes this good news is that you are going to do something about it. You are going to contribute to the amount of information online. The main difference is that you are creating a document packed with raw content. This will be the content that people are looking for. How are you going to do this? You are going to create your own e-book.

I can hear the roars now “Rob, I can’t write a book.” You can actually do it. Keep in mind that you don’t need to be a journalist to write a book. This is what you need:

– A desire to see the work through
– In-depth knowledge of a subject.
– A plan to do it.

Writing an eBook is pretty simple, the number one secret to success is to write about something you know. I am constantly writing articles, blog posts, chapters for my book, and short stories that focus on money and finance, but you can write about anything you know of that could be considered an expert.

The best way to determine what to write about is to sit down with a pad and brainstorm. Write everything that interests you, what you do for work, your hobbies. Don’t stop here, just write it down on paper and don’t think about it right now.

Now for the earning money part. Once you’ve written your eBook, you’ll want to make some money from it. You put your blood, sweat and tears into this masterpiece and it’s finally time to make some money selling your artwork.

There are two main areas to focus on to sell your eBook. First are online auction sites like eBay. Go to eBay and search for eBook and review the listings that people have already posted there. This will get the juices flowing on how to list your products for sale. Next, go to Google and search for eBook directories and you can list your book there. Some sites will charge you, but that’s okay because of the exposure you’ll get from listing it on your site.

You may be asking yourself the question, “Rob, why would I want to go through all this work?” Well, if you create an eBook that has value, people will want to buy it because it has content and it solves a problem your audience is having. So you’ve done a good thing, BUT let’s not forget the money part of this. Once the book is written, the hard part is done. As you sell your book (say for $10.00 each) and sell only 10 copies a month, that’s an extra $100.00 a month. Then you add a few more sites to sell your book and now you’re selling 15 books a month, well that’s $150.00 a month of extra income.

Once you get to this point, you’ll be thinking about your next eBook (its sequel, if you will). It’s not difficult, but it will take a little time.

Profit TIPS based on strategy:- Brainstorm and pick a topic you’re familiar with, spend time writing your eBook, and put it up for sale. Sit back and let the sales roll in.

Robert J Roy
money man

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