There are many reasons why we would want to lengthen our legs. Whether you just want to improve your appearance with longer legs or you really want to increase your height, there are some exercises to lengthen your legs. Let’s take a look at these exercises and what kind of results you can expect from them. Keep in mind that I primarily write from the perspective of growing taller.

Two Types of Exercises to Lengthen Legs

In my experience, there are mainly two exercises to naturally lengthen your legs:

  1. run;
  2. Cycling

I guess you could also naturally lengthen your legs with certain stretching exercises; however, I haven’t tested them and therefore can’t write about them. That’s why I want to focus on sprinting and cycling exercises; two exercises that can considerably lengthen the legs.

Lengthen legs with sprints

Whether you use running or cycling exercises to lengthen your legs, they both aim to accomplish the same thing: take advantage of the spaces between your leg bones. Note that it is impossible to lengthen the leg bones after puberty. However, we can stretch and therefore lengthen our limbs without having to enlarge our bones. Of course, the effect will be much less than if you could increase the size of your bones. However, you can still achieve measurable and satisfying results.

However, when you do intense sprints you can lengthen your legs. The reason for this is that with each stride you are pushing your body off the ground very hard and extending your leg very far. Witch every step you take stretches your legs which can lengthen them over time.

Lengthen your legs with cycling

Running is a very beneficial exercise to grow taller because it also stimulates your body to release more growth hormones. However, it is not so optimal to simply lengthen your legs as running is very intense. Fortunately, we can still use cycling exercise to naturally lengthen our legs. It works in the following way:

  1. Adjust your saddle a little too high and start riding the bike.
  2. Ride several times a week and after a while you’ll notice that the saddle doesn’t feel as high anymore.
  3. By now you have lengthened your legacy. Now it’s time to set the saddle a bit too high again so you can progress further.
  4. Repeat this process. Make sure you exercise regularly; The best results are achieved through daily exercise.
  5. This leg lengthening exercise works best on a stationary bike.

What kind of results to expect?

So there you have it: Two exercises to lengthen legs naturally and consequently increase your height. If you decide to use them, do not forget that you can only see results if you exercise regularly and consistently. Results vary from individual to individual and the amount of effort they have put into these leg lengthening exercises. However, don’t expect growth spurts as a child or teenager because, as an adult, your leg bones can no longer lengthen. Finally, if you’re not sure how to perform these exercises, check with your doctor first.

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