Did you know that you can change a negative core belief in just 21 days? Even if it’s a thought you’ve had for 30 years?

Or that you can create a new positive habit in just 21 days that can last a lifetime?

I’ve always loved that scientific statistic and it’s a great exercise in learning how to apply the Law of Attraction.

The great part about this is that there are so many different things you can use it for.

The first thing to do is draw or print a calendar for the month. I found a free one you can use at freeprintablecalendar.net. I like this site in particular because you can also add a personal image to the top which will help you get inspired and you don’t have to register to use the program.

Or if you don’t have a printer available, you can simply make a calendar yourself.

Now decide what it is you want to change or achieve.

I suggest starting with one thing at a time until the old habit is broken before starting a new one so you don’t get overwhelmed, but if you can handle more than one, go for it! Just be sure to print a separate calendar for each idea.

So what is the new habit you would like to create? Do you want to start meditating, taking your vitamins, exercising, eating healthier? Do you want to start organizing yourself better? Start keeping tabs on your mail, on top of cleaning your house, on top of things at work, on top of your money more?

Any new habit you would like to create MUST be done for 21 days straight. Remember, if you miss a day you have to start over from the beginning. But having the calendar in front of you is what makes it more fun and gives you a sense of accomplishment.

For each day you complete your homework, mark the date with a big X. If you ever feel like slacking off, tell yourself “Don’t break the chain!” … Don’t break the chain! Look on your calendar at all those pretty X’s in a row. You won’t want to stop now!

You want to see at least 21 of those x’s in a row. After 21 days, your new behavior has become a new habit and marking the x’s after that will be just plain fun.

Now, what if you want to use it to change an old negative belief?

Use an affirmation! At least 5 times a day for 21 days in a row. Again mark each day with an “X” when you have done so. Say the affirmation when you wake up, midmorning, lunchtime, midafternoon, and before bed. (The time of day doesn’t really matter and if you choose to say it even more than 5 times even better, as long as you do!)

Here are some examples of affirmations you can use:

If you are feeling negative about money: “Money comes to me effortlessly and easily every day and in every way” or “I am entitled to always have more than enough money simply because I AM.”

If you feel anxious: “At the center of my being I am always at peace and calm”

If you don’t feel 100% physically: “I am in perfect physical health and have never felt better in my life!”

If you want to feel really good overall, try this: “Every day in every way I’m getting better and better!” (This one works great by the way! It covers everything from health, work, fitness, relationships, and building new habits. With those simple words you’re covering the spectrum!)

Of course, there are plenty of other claims you can find on the internet if they don’t sound right to you.

Be sure to keep your calendar somewhere where you can see it. On your fridge, bulletin board at work, or even on your bedroom wall for you to see every night and every morning.

So try this simple exercise! We all know how quickly 21 days go by, especially if you’re trying to break a bad habit or get rid of a negative thought you’ve had for years! 21 days is just a drop in the bucket.

Happy Creating!

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