If you are a cat owner, you will notice that your precious pet loves to scratch things. To your horror, cats love to scratch furniture! This may seem like a big problem, but it can be easily solved. The key is learning how to train a cat to use a scratching post. There are many ways to approach this problem.

First of all, it is important to understand why cats scratch their paws. Cats spread their scent by scratching their paws, which means they are marking their territory.

It helps them feel safe and identify their location. Shedding claws is another reason to scratch. Scratching also helps them stretch their muscles. See that there are many advantages to cats scratching their paws, except that they wreak havoc on your furniture.

On the other hand, you can clip your cat’s nails to help it scratch more easily. This method is not recommended as they lose their defense mechanism. So we’ve put together some tips and tricks to follow to help you out in your dilemma.

Helpful Tips on How to Teach a Cat to Use a Scratching Post

Now that you know the common reasons cats scratch their paws, we can move on to some helpful things you can do to help them learn how to use a scratching post in place of their furniture.

Start early

If you have your pets as kittens, you can start training them while they are young. In this way, the action will be rooted in them. However, if you already have an adult cat, you can still train him, but he may need more persistence and perseverance.

Find a scratching post your cat will love

Sometimes it’s all about finding the right kind of scratching post that your cat likes. You can usually find the right post for your cat through trial and error. You may need to experiment and see which one works. For example, some would prefer a vertical pole over a horizontal surface. The important thing is to be able to find the right one that suits your cat’s preferences.

Determine the best place to place your scraper

Other times, it is not the quality of the scraper that is important, but the location. You should keep in mind that you should place your publication where it is accessible to your cat.

Pro tip: cats often scratch themselves before napping. The ideal place to place the scratching post is where your cat usually naps. If you have the capacity, it’s also great to place multiple posts in different parts of the house. Put it in your pet’s usual places, and you can surely maximize its use.

Now if you have a piece of furniture that your cat is very attached to, you can try placing a scratching post near it. This is a great way to divert your attention and focus the scratching on the post and not your furniture.

Use rewards and affirmations

As with all great workouts, you can use rewards and affirmations for your pet. This simply means that every time your pet uses the scratching post, they will get a reward. On the other hand, if he is still playing with your beloved furniture, then you need to be firm and let your pet know that it is wrong.

To further entice your cat to use the scratching post, you can put catnip on and around the post or hang a toy for him to play with. Eventually, they will get the hang of it and start using the post regularly.

Does not tolerate

If your cat is persistent, then it is time to use your voice to let your pet know that his actions are wrong. When you hear your cat scratching the furniture, say out loud. Your pet will be startled and, in time, will understand that what you are doing is inappropriate. You can also spray your cat some water every time he starts scratching his future. These are just a few ways to deter your pet.

Other remedies

Now if the tips mentioned above don’t work at all, then you can take a different route. One thing you can do is make your furniture unattractive to your pet. You can do this by covering your cat’s favorite furniture with aluminum foil or duct tape. Cats do not like these textures and they can discourage them from scratching more. It may seem like a horrible look for your furniture, but it is only temporary. You can remove them when your cat loses interest.

When all else fails, you can try changing your furniture. Consider furniture made of microfiber. It can tolerate scratches, but at the same time, there are also different designs available that will suit your home.


Cats are adorable and fun-loving. Just remember that cat scratching is a natural phenomenon. It may sound horrible, but if you train them early, you will be able to pass this test. As mentioned above, cats scratch as their way of marking territory and throwing claws. It is easier to train cats when the reason for their behavior is understood.

There are many other ways to train a cat to use a scratcher. Here are some of the most common. You can start training early when they are still kittens so they can remember as they grow. Perhaps you can find a good scratching post that your pet would like. There are many different types of scratching posts, so it’s best if you are trying to see which one works best for your pet.

In the end, if all else fails, then you might consider changing your furniture or making your furniture scratch-proof. It pays to be patient and listen to your cat’s needs. Cats differ from each other; one may be amenable to training while others are not. Hopefully, your cat is trainable and can easily learn the things you are teaching her.

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