Are your personal relationships suffering because you’re working too hard to get your business off the ground? Are you always the last priority on your list because there is never enough time to get everything done?

I’m on a mindset and marketing retreat in Fort Lauderdale (FL) with some of the most committed, powerful and solid businesswomen I know. And I’m also picking up on a common problem that many women face: how to succeed in your business without losing your feminine power and become a man.

I’m not talking about growing a beard or wearing plaid here; what I’m talking about is maintaining this delicate balance between acting and just getting it done versus relaxing and rejuvenating, surrendering if you will to the sensual textures of being and the feminine essence.

I know from personal experience that drawing that delicate line in the sand can be a challenge. Swinging too far on either side can cost you dearly.

When you are in “do it” mode, you are in your masculine energy. I train many women who are burnt out and struggling because they have lost touch with the simple pleasure of life. Pleasure is the gateway to feminine energy.

A woman in her feminine energy exudes and radiates warmth, love and almost magically attracts or receives everything she needs without “doing” anything.

It’s tricky because women have this “self-sacrifice gene” and it’s very easy for women to put everything and everyone before themselves and as a result, their female mojo suffers.

Consider when you show up in your intimate relationships with your feminine essence tank empty, your relationships suffer greatly.


One of the first things I do with the women I train who come to me struggling to get to the next level in their business is have them create rituals to return to their bodies, which allows them to LET go of the resistance that they are. without knowing it. creating and then the magic starts to happen.

A woman in her feminine essence is receiving effortlessly. The mere act of delighting in the textures of life turns on the invisible switch. Giving yourself permission to enjoy simple pleasure again will instantly and dramatically change your energy and your business.

One of my favorite rituals to return to my feminine essence is going to the spa with my good friend Sylvia. We’ve made it a weekly ritual, one of the best investments I’ve made this year.

After a long week of work, going to steam rooms, saunas and taking a dip in the river helps me come back to myself and helps me refocus.

We go out to dinner and then to dance and I love it. All the powerful ways to get back into your body.

Every time you enter nature it also reconnects you with the feminine.

It’s hard for many women to flip that switch, but it’s absolutely necessary if you want to have a well-balanced life.

What have you been letting slide under the rug? And what rituals will you create to recover those lost parts of yourself?

Ideas for your feminine power rituals:

Take a bath with candles and music

Cook up a storm in the kitchen with friends

Take a dance class, a yoga class, a tai chi class to get back in your body.

Go for long walks in nature.

Create a goddess altar where you get dressed, do your makeup and get ready for the day: make it special and create the sacred space for it in your room.

Possessing your feminine essence and taking back your power can be delicious, simple and easy as your business. You don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. In fact, when you balance being and doing, everything magically falls into place, the right clients, opportunities, relationships, etc. appear.

You can be a successful business bombshell and a loving mother, wife, and daughter when you put yourself at the top of your list—priority list. It’s not selfish, it’s self love and you deserve it.

To your love expansion and freedom,


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