Are you trying to figure out how to use Facebook to generate more MLM leads? Facebook has over 800 million users so why not take advantage of that and build your network marketing business?

Generating more MLM leads for your business using Facebook needs a few key strategies. And it doesn’t take that long. 30 minutes a day is all you need.

Most people quickly give up on Facebook, think it’s too much work, or just don’t see any results after a few weeks.

I want to show you some secrets that are sure to get you tons of new Facebook MLM leads.

1. Target Friends List

This is the big mistake I see a lot of people make. They target the wrong people. Who is the target market in network marketing? Other Network Marketers. Because most of them are failing in their business. Your friends and family are the wrong people to target. They see you as their childhood friend, and not some super successful network marketer.

A good place to start is to find someone who is a big influence and get their list of friends. Think of someone who influences a lot of people. Go find their profile and start making friends with their list. Robert Kiyosaki is someone I consider to be a huge influence. Robert will have a huge list of friends. He finds his list and starts adding them to your profile.

2. Be consistent

A lot of people I train will get super excited for the first few weeks, post a ton, and then just stop. To generate a large number of MLM leads from Facebook, you have to be consistent every day. That means posting to your wall 3-5 times a day.

Building a network marketing business takes tons of work. You have to always be putting yourself in front of people every day. Your Facebook wall will allow you to do that. But it requires consistent daily action on your part.

3. Create massive value

People need help building their network marketing business. You want to become this super star, network marketing guru. The way to do this is by creating massive value for your friends.

If you create a blog post, add it to your Facebook wall. If you create a video, add it to your wall. Taking pictures on a vacation you earned from your MLM company? Yes, add that to your wall.

The problem that many have here is that they only post their company website link 10 times a day. That’s spam, and people will unfriend you very quickly. You won’t get very far doing that. But if you are giving your friends value every day, they will love you for it and want to learn more about your MLM company.

4. Stay focused

You have ONE goal with Facebook. Generate MLM leads for your business. Facebook can be a huge distraction if you let it. Stay focused on getting in, posting your worth, and adding new friends. That’s it. Don’t fall into the trap of spending all day striking up conversations with people about nothing.

Gossiping all day on Facebook will get you nothing and will distract you from your main goal. If others are asking questions on how to build your MLM business. Then answer the questions. Just don’t get caught up in the gossip.

Click on this link and I will give you the same strategy, drop out of college, used to generate a 6 figure income in 6 months.

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