One of the best ways to generate residual income is through membership sites. Having a membership site offers you many opportunities to generate residual income, as well as automating the process of generating that income.

There are several options for building a membership site, and in some cases, it requires the least amount of effort on your part. Not only can you use your membership site to provide a valuable product or service to your customers, but it can also be the best source of residual income. So if you can satisfy your customers’ needs with interesting products, customers won’t mind paying a monthly fee to remain a member of your site, generating a lot of residual recurring income in the process.

Although there are various options for creating a membership site, here are some good options that you can use to residualize your business with membership sites.

online software program

This is the most stress-free option for building a membership site, if you can build a good software program or outsource it to a professional programmer. You can then change the monthly fee for people to use it. A good example is email management or keyword research software.

So, your market research to find out the problems most customers face and create software that can solve them. You will be surprised how many responses you will get with such simple software.

Provide informative content.

I am sure you have seen many internet marketing websites that charge their members a monthly fee to provide fresh informative content. To achieve this, they add updated information or a new product every month or even update existing products for members to use.

Let your members contribute content

This sounds strange, but it’s a really cool way to build your membership site. A good example is a photo gallery or adult sites. They allow their members to upload their favorite photos and give rights to all members to use them for free. From this you can also recruit other members/customers who will pay a monthly fee to have access to those photos.

Online ebook store

There are so many e-books being written every day. You can create an online e-book store where the authors of different e-books can distribute the e-books for a fee or for free. You can then recruit members who will pay you monthly to access the eBooks on your store. The most common e-book stores are those that deal in master resolution rights products.

All of the above lists are great ways to create membership sites that will earn you residual income. But you should know that just like any other business, you need to make sure your customer gets what they pay for or else they will leave your site.

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