Writing SEO-optimized blog posts and articles in less than an hour is easier than you might think. It just takes a little practice and guidance. Follow the simple formula below and you will be able to create SEO optimized articles and blog posts efficiently and effectively.

Steps that will help you generate new leads online by learning how to write SEO articles and blog posts

Step 1: Conduct keyword research. When you’re learning how to write SEO blog posts, it’s essential to start with keyword research. Type your keyword or phrase into a search engine like Google or Yahoo and see what results you get.

This research is critical, because it allows you to find out what information is available on your topic. It also gives you information about other keywords or phrases that may be less competitive and therefore easier to rank for in search engines.

Make sure you don’t spend more than 15 minutes doing some quick keyword research.

Step 2: Copy and paste good content. When you’re researching your keywords and come across interesting content that you think is noteworthy, I typically copy it into a document.

This allows me to quickly reference the content I want to expand on for my article. This technique has really helped me learn how to write blog posts, because it gives me a starting point to focus and expand from.

It’s no secret that most of the content on the Internet is not new. It is recycled and rewritten in an interesting way so that the content is unique. Just make sure you provide new and interesting content and you will generate new leads online for your business.


Step 3: Summarize your SEO blog post. When you’ve finished your 15 minutes of keyword research, it’s good to summarize your article. Take 10 minutes to organize your thoughts.

Start by using the information you’ve gathered to create an introduction, four or five subtitled sections, and a conclusion or call to action.

stage 4: Write your post. After concisely stating my thoughts, I begin writing each section. I like that each section is between 75 and 100 words depending on how deep I want to go with the content.

Spend 25-35 minutes writing your article from your outline.

I guarantee that if you’ve done the keyword research, gathered some good content, and outlined your article or post, you’ll be able to have a great post written in an hour or less.

As you learn to write SEO-optimized articles and blogs, you’ll become more proficient at discussing topics succinctly.

Step #5: Perform the spelling/grammar check. I highly recommend reading your post a few times out loud to make sure it reads well and there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

Learning how to write SEO-optimized articles increases organic traffic to your blog or website, and more importantly, helps you generate new online leads for your business.

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