Capricorn has Earth as its element, Saturn as its ruling planet, and lead as its metal. Wednesday and Saturday are your lucky days, and 3 and 8 are your lucky numbers. Blue and black are believed to be auspicious for them. It is more compatible with those belonging to the zodiac sign of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo or Taurus.

intrinsic traits
People belonging to the Capricorn zodiac sign are community people. They always think and strive for the growth of the community, instead of being self-centered. However, they tend to add to their nerves of getting too ambitious with their wealth goals in life, from time to time. They are highly adaptable, making it easy for them to adapt to changing circumstances and changing social environments. It also adds to your ability to achieve success in life. They are flirtatious by nature, which is apparently reflected in the way they treat people, specifically those of the opposite gender. However, when it comes to marriage, they tend to be extremely vigilant with their decisions to make sure everything happens within the “perfect framework.” They never let arrogance get the better of them and therefore can be seen as extremely modest and humble with their attitude and demeanor. In their other intrinsic traits, they are stable, realistic, intelligent, and determined.

Health problems
While Capricorn zodiac signers are in good health for most of their lives, in those mild cases of vulnerability, they tend to suffer from health complications related to joints, gout, and the digestive system.

Lucky gemstones for Capricorn
The list of most appropriate gemstones for people belonging to Capricorn includes stones such as amethyst, garnet, amber, malachite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, black onyx, azurite, carnelian, black tourmaline, labradorite , green tourmaline, fluorite and peridot. .

Capricorn Prominent Gemstone Properties
Peridot: Peridot is a green colored gemstone. Many great researchers and legends have described it as an extremely useful stone. Its references can also be found in materials from ancient times, including the very holy Bible. It is believed to be a representation of beauty and lightness. It is an empathic stone for those who are spiritually inclined or those with a precise thought process. Wearing it brings up positive thoughts and keeps negative thoughts and feelings at bay. It has been found to be extremely effective for those suffering from any of the gallbladder or liver related problems. It also provides physical strength, helps overcome nervousness and anguish, supports peaceful sleep, and controls anger. In addition, it allows you to fulfill dreams and gain wealth.

Amber: Usually found in yellow and various shades of yellow, amber represents good luck and is widely used as a talisman. Anyone who wears this stone is conferred the same. It is immensely effective with its curative effect in curing goiter problems, eye disorders, dental disorders, bronchial disorders, severe headache, severe cold, stress, stomach ache, jaundice, and inflammation of the throat and lungs. Apart from that, it stimulates the kidney and liver to improve their functioning and stabilizes the digestive system. Improve decision-making ability and turn negative thoughts into positive ones. It is an extremely powerful stone and therefore one should refrain from wearing it for longer periods.

Turquoise: Turquoise, the blue colored gemstone, is one of the oldest and most popular gemstones. It is believed to be meant as immense good luck, and that belief prevailed enough to make it popular as a talisman. It also generates general well-being, increases wealth, and keeps even the slightest shades of poverty and deficiency at bay. It also works as a shield to protect its wearers from the influences of the evil eye and darkness. Wearing this stone also protects one from all sorts of unfortunate events and therefore those associated with risk-prone professions make sure to wear it specifically when on the job. It injects confidence into one’s own personality, strengthens the bond of friendship and makes one more faithful and stable in relationships.

lapis lazuli: Lapis lazuli, the blue colored stone, represents truth, royalty and enlightenment. It is known for its ability to help control anger, aggression, negativity, and frustration. Strengthens the powers of intuition and enhances psychic abilities. In fact, it is one of the most prominent stones known to strongly stimulate the Third Eye Chakra, as well as working effectively for the Throat Chakra. Those who wish to achieve spiritual growth must use it for better and more solid results. It clarifies one’s thought, making it as apparent as possible. In addition, it increases wisdom, enhances the creative sense, strengthens the state of mental and physical health, and stimulates the pineal gland.

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