As energy costs skyrocket, both homeowners and renters are trying to find ways to reduce energy costs that seem to be increasing every year. There are many things you can do to reduce costs.

The highest energy use is an air conditioning unit, they consume the most electricity, especially in the summer months when it seems like they are on all day. The second highest cost is swimming pools and their pool pumps.

Obviously you need air conditioning and if you have a pool you have to use the pool pump to keep it clean. This does not mean that you cannot reduce some of these costs. Keep AC units on a digital thermometer and don’t keep changing the unit throughout the day. If you’re not home during the day, automatically schedule the temperature to go up during the hours you’re away and cool down just before you get home. You can also find lower-cost hours or the same price year-round with your electric service provider.

Your pool pump may run less, especially in the winter months. Just shave an hour or two and in the winter shave a few hours which will cut your bill.

Make sure your doors and windows are sealed to keep outside air out. Turn off televisions and computers when not in use. Unplugging power cords from computers and other electrical devices will also lower your electricity bill.

When you leave a room, turn off lights and ceiling fans. So many little things like this will really help save on your electricity bill.

These are all things that you can do without spending any money. There are other options you can do like solar water heaters and extra insulation to help cut costs, but you have to spend up front.

A great idea to find other ways to save energy and lower your bills is to contact your electric service provider, they will usually come to your house and check your home for items that can be changed and give you a brochure with tips to save energy. They are very helpful and they will do it for free.

You can lower your bills if you are willing to do whatever it takes to lower your bill or spend a little to lower those bills. Either way, doing what you can will benefit your pocketbook and save our planet.

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