Fighters, or sluggers, are fighters who typically fight at medium distance and rely on their punching power to try and win fights by knockout. Because their fights often end early by KO, they usually don’t have great stamina. Fighters or sluggers usually have an advantage against swarmers because they can stop their aggressive forward movement with their power, but a disadvantage against boxers / fighters who use their stamina, reach, and technical ability to overcome them in many rounds.

Fight a slugger or a fighter

Defeat a fighter by making him move

Because fighters don’t have a lot of stamina, you always want to make them move. Never fight them head-to-head, but fight them while constantly on the go.

This also helps minimize its power. Without being able to establish and establish a firm foundation, much of their power is taken away from them. If you get stuck in a corner and a slugger can establish his base and use his entire body to throw punches, you’re in trouble.

Defeat a fighter with direct hits

While running in circles around a fighter, use your jab and cross heavily. These are quick blows that you can throw to the head and walk away immediately. Hooks and uppercuts require more commitment to throw and give the fighter more time to start his own attack.

Circle them, jab, lay down, hit a 1-2, pivot away, keep moving.

Defeat a fighter by counterattacking

Because fighters’ blows are large and slower, they are susceptible to kickback if you can make them miss.

Remember, don’t try to slide a punch and get into long combos. Kickbacks against a fighter should be fast and hard, immediately followed by you backing away again.

Defeat a fighter protecting your body

Don’t forget to protect your body when fighting a slugger. While knockouts are usually blows to the head, sluggers can inflict a lot of punishment on you to the core, weakening you and making you an easy target for a knockout.

If you have to take hits from someone that strong, make sure you know how to take a hit correctly and make sure you have developed a strong core. This can be the difference between losing and winning a fight against a fighter.

Defeat a fighter using the clinch

If a fighter walks in, it can be devastating. If a fighter reaches these positions against you, don’t try to get him into a clinch. While grip isn’t pretty, it does play a role in every boxing strategy and should be used when the situation calls for it.

Remember to move immediately when the clinch is over.

Defeat a fighter by staying patient

Ultimately, you must be patient against the fighter. You cannot play “your game”, but you must take your time and earn points. Be better conditioned, be smart, and be patient.

How to fight swarms and combatants

Learn more about how to fight swarms or how to fight fighters.

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