Are your energy levels low or is your cash flow out of control? Take a look at your stairs! Feng Shui will help you diagnose how life problems can be affected by the location or structure of your stairs.

In my experience as a feng shui consultant, stairs always tell a story about life and family problems. Today we illustrate the most common scenarios:

Stairs in the entrance hall leading to the front door.

We enter through the front door and the stairs lead directly to the second floor. Most likely we will experience a divided view; our left eye looks up and down the stairs, our right eye looks down the hall toward the back of the house. In classical feng shui interpretations, this can cause divisions and conflicts between family members. A staircase leading to the front door generates an energy drop that is often associated with money flowing too fast and energy levels dropping.

Feng shui recommends adjusting this challenge with the increasing energy of the wood element, a high plant at the foot and to the side of the stairs; Pictures or paintings of greenery, that is, the best are the trees, which can be hung along the side wall of the stairs. A light fixture, for example a chandelier at the top of the stairs, will be visually appealing and will create increased energy from the fire element.

The split vision challenge can be tackled by creating an eye-catching visual effect. A mobile hanging from the ceiling would create smooth moving energy and would be visually appealing.

A square rug in the entry hall will anchor the space and provide a visual resting area.

Stairs in the center of the house.

Stairs in the center will invariably create health problems as they are located in the health sector of the bagua. Feng shui cures will depend on the structure of the stairwell. Is it straight? Is it curved? Do you have open steps? However, in the worst case, is it a spiral staircase that symbolizes a corkscrew drilling? Dressings should be installed according to the personal needs or problems of the occupants. The open rungs seem to cause instability. I have always experienced that my Chihuahuas are extremely cautious and fearful of stairs with open rungs and do not want to go up or down. Animal behavior will often show us where the dangers lie.

Our main concern with stairs is safety. If there are small children in the house, a door at the top of the stairs will prevent a child from inadvertently falling. If the stairs are steep, a handrail or preferably two, one on each side, is essential. If the rungs are narrow, a strip of carpet secured to each rung will prevent slips and falls.

Traditional feng shui practitioners can place a small mirror on the inside of the front door, trying to bounce the qi down. Or they could turn to the feng shui cure: a multi-faceted crystal suspended high up between the door and the staircase.

As a general rule of thumb, be careful and adjust to consuming energy in all parts of your home!

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