In a nutshell, fashion marketing is a profession that takes the latest trends and designs in clothing and communicates them to a target market in such a way that the consumer not only knows about the product, but wants and ultimately buys the product. product. A target market is a sector of the consumer market to which a company wishes to sell (ie market) its clothing. To fully understand what fashion marketing is, it’s important to understand that marketing doesn’t stop at magazine ads or TV commercials. The world of marketing is as dynamic as the world of fashion. Clothing merchandising includes things like determining which stores the clothes should be sold at, what price the clothes should sell for, to how the displays should look in the store. Fashion marketers are often as knowledgeable about business as they are about fashion and popular culture.

Fashion sellers are creative. In essence, the profession is about connecting with the image, the lifestyle, that the consumer wants. For example, in the fashion industry, comfort, style, material, color, symmetry, and ease of use are just the beginning of a list of items that designers need to consider when developing a line of clothing. clothing. Fashion marketers take the task one step further by determining the best way to promote clothing features to the consumer and to which group of consumers to promote them. What a 65-year-old woman is looking for in a formal evening wear is completely different from what a 21-year-old man is looking for in a casual day-to-day wear. Consequently, fashion marketers must stay on top of the latest fashions and know which styles will be successful for a variety of occasions, age groups, and demographics.

Fashion marketers play an essential role within the fashion industry because they are the link between designers and the public. The success of a clothing line is not based solely on its design. Successful marketing is often as crucial, if not more so, to the line as the clothing itself. This is because marketing is the tool through which the designer identifies with the public and the public identifies with the designer. Without this exchange, it would be difficult to establish the consumer base necessary to have a successful clothing line.

Ultimately, fashion marketing is a fun profession: it changes and reinvents itself as often as the clothes it promotes. It integrates the artistic nature of fashion with the creative aspects of business, creating a highly rewarding career for the ambitious and innovative.

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