According to a study conducted by the University of Western Australia in Perth, eating mushrooms daily can reduce the risk of breast cancer by almost two-thirds. The study, conducted in China, looked at more than 2,000 women, half of whom had had breast cancer. The researchers found that women who ate a third of an ounce of fresh mushrooms every day had reduced their risk of developing a tumor by 64%. Dried mushrooms didn’t have the same benefit, but still cut the risk “about half.” The study also found that women who drank green tea regularly, combined with their daily serving of fresh mushrooms, reduced their risk by 90%. Reporting on this study in 2009, The Telegraph went on to say that animal tests show that the mushrooms have “anti-tumor properties and can stimulate the immune system’s defences.” Mushrooms could do this by blocking “the body’s production of the hormone estrogen, which can stimulate the development of cancer.”

A vegetarian diet “provides a variety of protective dietary factors against cancer,” according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A vegetarian diet reduces obesity. The author of this study notes that obesity increases the risk of cancer and that because the body mass index (BMI) “of vegans is considerably lower than that of non-vegetarians,” a plant-based diet “may be an important protective factor in reducing the risk of cancer.” Mushrooms are low in calories and are 80-90% water, making them a great meat substitute when you want to cut calories.

Mushrooms have been extensively studied for their health benefits because they have been found to support the immune system. These dense, soft, and earthy mushrooms grow in thousands of varieties, and most are rich in potassium, selenium, copper, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and B vitamins. A medium Portobello mushroom has more potassium than a small banana. . Five medium cremini mushrooms have more selenium than one large egg or three ounces of lean beef. Plus, the copper in mushrooms helps you make red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. Mushrooms are an excellent source of antioxidants known as polyphenols, selenium, and ergothioneine. Ergothioneine is a master antioxidant, a sulfur-containing amino acid. Sulfur is an extremely important nutrient, but it is often overlooked.

There are many varieties of mushrooms, thousands of which are poisonous, so don’t collect them in the wild. Always buy them from a reputable and reliable supplier. Look for mushrooms that have a smooth, clean, and fresh appearance. To clean them, use a soft mushroom brush or a damp paper towel to remove any dirty or soft looking parts. You can rinse them, but don’t soak them. Keep refrigerated in original container until ready to use. They can be kept for up to a week in the fridge in a porous paper bag, but never put mushrooms in an airtight container and never freeze them. Always trim the stem end before using mushrooms. If the stems are too tough, just use the tops.

Adding mushrooms to dishes is easy. Slice them thin for salads, pasta dishes, and sandwiches, or serve as a side dish. It’s always great to grill them, and mushrooms are a tasty and healthy alternative to a burger. I love to saute them with onion and butter to bring out the rich flavor of the salty mushrooms. Each mushroom has a different flavor, so experiment by trying different varieties.


“Eating mushrooms daily ‘may reduce breast cancer risk by two-thirds.'” (March 16, 2009). The Telegraph.

Craig, Winston J. (March 11, 2009). “Health effects of vegan diets”. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 89 (supplement): 1627S-1633S.

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