Well, your computer has stopped working for some reason. Is it the hard drive? The processor? Is it some adware, a Trojan, a virus? Has a chip in the RAM burned out or has the CPU been overloaded?

Should you hire a computer repair service or should you buy a new computer?

It can be a very difficult decision, one that will be based on your finances and the age of your computer.

If your computer is more than a few years old, it may not be cost effective to repair it. For example, if the motherboard burns out, unless you can find one of a similar age on eBay, you’ll need to replace the processor, heat sink, and memory as well because your original ones probably won’t work on your new motherboard. .

The cost factor should also be considered when thinking about computer repair. Buying a new computer could cost you up to ten times more than repairing your existing computer.

There’s also the environmental impact of buying a new computer: what do you do with the old one? Do you throw it away to rot in a landfill and pollute the environment, or do you pay to have it disposed of properly? Or do you do what a lot of us do and stick it in the back of the attic or garage and forget about it until it becomes an antique?

The final consideration is your technical ability. While computers have become easier for newbies to use and work with, they are still technical concerns. Many of us have enough trouble programming the VCR let alone changing a computer processor.

You should also realize that a computer is, after all, a delicate piece of equipment and is still sensitive to dust and static; in fact, you can seriously damage your computer if you don’t take proper precautions. I have many customers who have tried to repair their own computer and inadvertently burned out their processor or memory because they didn’t take proper anti-static precautions.

You should never touch the connectors or chips on any computer card. Ideally, you should always store memory cards and computer cards in suitable antistatic bags to avoid this damage. Again, people come to me with some memory they bought out of a bucket at a computer show or boot sale and wonder why it doesn’t work.

It really is worth taking the time to hire a professional computer repair service to fix your computer, not only can they probably do the job faster than you, but they will do it correctly and without any risk of damaging your computer.

Hiring a professional computer repair service will ensure that your computer is repaired quickly, easily, and efficiently, at the lowest cost to you. Not only that, but you can also get tips from a professional on how to keep your computer running efficiently and free from viruses, adware, and Trojans.

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