Not many men will admit it, but we sweat a lot. The average human being has 2.6 million beads of sweat on their skin, with men having considerably more than women. This isn’t a problem in and of itself, but for guys like me, the sweat and body odors it can cause is an embarrassing topic to discuss.

We may not talk about it, but when we smell it, it’s not really a secret from others. While my girlfriend loves my soft, sensitive skin, I’ve always felt a little self-conscious around her whenever I thought she might smell my body odor. Maybe that’s why men have a reputation for being down and dirty.

The reason why sweating makes you smell bad is simple: bacteria eat the fluids in our sweat and create odor as a byproduct. Naturally, our bodies need to sweat a little to stay healthy and fresh, which is why men need to cleanse themselves even more.

The first and most obvious step is to use a skin cleansing body wash when you shower. Many men already have a favorite soap, but in case you don’t: look for a body wash made specifically for men’s skin care, since we have more pores to clean. Try using a body scrub to remove dead skin and bacteria that cause body odor after a good sweat. This will leave your skin clean and smooth.

Next, you’ll want to choose the right deodorant for underarm sweat, which is often the main culprit in body odor. As with soap, many men already have a favorite scent, although for men with sensitive skin it can be difficult to choose one. In my experience, the only smell worse than body odor itself is when added to a fragrance-filled deodorant, which can sting sensitive underarm skin.

Until recently I always thought antiperspirant sticks were the best option, since they use aluminum to lock underarm sweat. But these affect the body’s natural processes, blocking sweat without actually killing the bacteria that cause body odor. Instead, look for a deodorant that uses natural extracts as antiseptics for bacteria; the best solution is to look for an aluminum-free and fragrance-free deodorant that cleanses and protects the skin.

Finally, be sure to keep your skin properly hydrated. Retaining moisture in the skin is especially difficult when you sweat more, so always drink plenty of water. And of course, don’t forget to tell your friends what they can do to keep their skin clean and healthy too.

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