Nearly a century ago, a brilliant man, Napoleon Hill, decided to study how America’s most successful people – people like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Andrew Carnegie – had great ideas and became successful entrepreneurs and businessmen. What he discovered has amazed people ever since and inspired thousands to believe in the power of thought. Over the years, Napoleon Hill’s classic Think and Grow Rich has inspired the likes of Norman Vincent Peale and Jerry Hicks. One of the most inspired is Ray Higdon, and now Higdon has written a modern version of Think and Grow Rich with his new book Vibrational Money Immersion: Think and Grow Rich for Network Marketers.

Higdon quotes Napoleon Hill extensively, but what makes this new book stand out from Hill’s classic is that it takes Hill’s ideas and applies them to the 21st century and specifically to the field of network marketing as a means of attracting the kind of success and success. money people want. Higdon also shares many of his personal stories on how believing in positive thinking and applying it has helped him achieve success.

This is a headless book in the clouds on how to imagine yourself rich. Rather, Higdon, who has been bankrupt twice in his life and had great financial success, is extremely honest in stating that we must act in tandem with imagining the lifestyle and wealth we want. As he states, “What are we talking about throughout this book? We are talking about raising your vibrational level towards money. Persistence is an essential factor in raising that vibrational quotient, of transmuting desire into its monetary equivalent.” While Higdon clearly believes in the Law of Attraction, he also knows that you can’t get something for nothing. Not only do you have to tell the Universe what you want, but you have to decide what you are willing to do to get it, and you have to plan ahead for when you have it. As he wisely points out, most people who win the lottery end up worse off than before because you can’t get something for nothing and those people haven’t planned in advance what to do with their money once they get it.

For Higdon, the solution of what to do for the money it will attract is network marketing, and especially real estate; has been very successful in real estate. Of course, many people feel turned off by network marketing, because they believe that it does not work or they do not understand why some people succeed while trying and failing. Higdon responds to this concern by saying that these results have to do “with the relationship of people with money, how they see money, how they see rich people and how they see successful people.” Higdon explains that too many people focus on their lack of money instead of imagining having it; Furthermore, they have a poverty mentality that believes that they cannot make money, so they give up before they even give themselves a chance. But Higdon’s book can help people break that cycle by offering the tools necessary to shift our thought process to a prosperity mindset. As Higdon’s friend Mark Hoverson once said, and this is one of the most powerful phrases in the entire book: “Your poverty serves no one.”

Some of the tools Higdon offers readers include learning how to stop using the past as an excuse to avoid a successful future and how to use the power of affirmations to change your poverty mindset into a successful one that attracts money and all the other things. What do you want in life.

For me, one of the most insightful statements Higdon makes is that “knowledge is not power.” Many people pursue education, read many books and attend many seminars, thinking that they will find the secrets of success in those places, and they may, but many of them are simply deluding themselves into thinking that being busy is equivalent. to be productive. He quotes Napoleon Hill to support this point: “Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action and directed toward a definite end. This” missing link “in all Education systems known to civilization today, can be found in the failure of educational institutions to teach their students HOW TO ORGANIZE AND USE KNOWLEDGE AFTER ACQUIRING IT “.

Perhaps my favorite part of this book is Higdon’s focus on the power of imagination. It tells us that we have to separate what we want from our current reality: “Too many people are just looking at what’s in their lives. They say, ‘Ray, I’m just telling it like it is.’ Well, saying things like they are keeps them the way they are. Justifying where you are keeps you where you are. Imagination is not necessary to see your current bank account. It is about developing that imagination, believing that you deserve more things, bigger, better and more. This development of the synthetic will allow you to take advantage of what creative “.

Higdon goes on to discuss many other tools that help people develop imagination and use it to attract money, but the one that most caught my attention, and that it borrows from Hill, is the idea of ​​invisible counselors helping us. He asks us to imagine who we would like to receive advice from, anyone we admire for their success and, more specifically, whom we admire for their characteristics that helped them achieve that success, characteristics that we would like to have. For example, if we want to be more persistent, we could choose a famous athlete as a counselor. If we want to be kinder, we can choose Jesus. We can imagine these advisers meeting with us, conversing with us. For me, this idea seems to take the “What would Jesus do?” question and put steroids on “What would Gandhi do in this situation?” “What would Andrew Carnegie do in this situation?” “What would Abraham Lincoln do?” I loved this idea and began to use it in my own life as an author thinking about what other authors might do, not only authors that I admire as great writers, but also authors who were successful businessmen, such as Charles Dickens, as well as people from other professions that I greatly admire for their personal beliefs and bravery.

Higdon concludes the discussion on invisible advisers by explaining, “Too often, people look at successful people and say, ‘Well, if only I had their money,’ or ‘If only I had this or that.” what you need is their mindset, their attitude and a little bit of their knowledge. That is what you really need, so that is what you should be asking for. ”That is what I will ask for and then request, confident that the money will follow.

The Vibrational Money Dip is filled with so much more information on how to develop that prosperity mindset so you can take inspired action to get money flowing to you. Read this book and develop a prosperity mindset, and the sky will be the limit for you.

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