Fear has evolved to serve as a device to help protect our survival. The fight or flight theory is to protect us. In adults, this mode of protection can become hypersensitive and turn into inhibitory and counterproductive actions. Most people don’t have to run away from the tiger hanging outside their front door. But sometimes they need to move to a different work environment and are afraid to take that first step because of the question. What if?

What do you fear

I have come to realize that fear is often the absence of knowledge. The moment you learn information, generally that fear dissipates. There was never anything hidden under the bed when the lights were on.

I’ve been exploring what I fear in life: past, present, and future. Create a list of fears and then go back and explore each one to find out where those fears originated. When I was a child, I was taught to be afraid of things that were not like me, things that were different. Not that they were necessarily bad, just that I needed to take care of my own business. I grew up in Indiana so there isn’t a lot of diversity and she got scared at all the things that were different from us.

When I moved to Chicago, this fear followed me. He was afraid of the city. It was big, busy, and full of different types of people.

But something changed and fear began to intrigue me and I wanted to learn more and experience everything I could.

I have learned that the kind of fear that I was taught as a child no longer works for me. I no longer have to live my life in fear of the unknown. I don’t want to be surrounded by individuals who limit their greatness due to their own insecurities. Those who subscribe to the philosophy that there is a great scary world out there … and you must be afraid.

I understand that there are many levels of fear. But why go through life in fear of the unknown.

My art has challenged me enormously because creating can be scary. To create you have to be able and willing to give up control. Walking with your head held high and boldly towards what you fear most. This is how you find that little core that will allow your art to have a creative soul.

What do you fear


I know that since I have put a huge mirror in your hands, the time has come for you to want to point the reflection at me. You’re wondering what I fear the most … Personally, I have so many things I want to do with my life. The list seems to go on and on. My biggest fear is that there is not enough time to achieve everything I want to achieve.

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