Various natural supplements and vitamins are very helpful in treating eczema. More and more people are choosing natural remedies to take prescription drugs to treat eczema because they are safer to use long-term without fear of side effects. Some of these natural vitamins and supplements are mentioned below. Always seek medical advice before taking any supplement, especially if you are taking other prescription medications or have other pre-existing medical conditions.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Taking this essential fatty acid helps reduce eczema symptoms, such as dryness and inflammation of the skin. Including fish in your daily diet is also a good start to increasing essential fatty acids in your body. Fatty fish such as mackerel, fresh tuna and trout belong to this category.


Probiotics are also beneficial forms of gut bacteria that help stimulate natural digestive juices and enzymes that keep our digestive organs working properly. Taking probiotics is safe and helps improve overall health, but some may experience a mild digestive problem. Used during pregnancy reduces the risk of infant eczema. Besides taking a probiotic supplement you can also eat probiotic foods, examples are yogurt, kombucha tea, dark chocolates and more.

Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil is also a good treatment for eczema. The oil is extracted from the seed of the evening primrose plant. Studies show that this oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is used as building blocks for the number of molecules in the body. It helps in the nutrition of the skin and corrects the lipids of the skin, thus relieving itching, edema and inflammation.

Vitamin A

This is a good antioxidant that helps in the healing processes of the human body. It plays a central role in growth and development, skin health, and the immune system. This vitamin can help treat eczema by suppressing excessive cell growth on the skin. They not only reduce the bacterial population in the skin, but also in the ducts of the skin glands. This means that vitamin A compounds can help restore the skin’s protective barrier by stopping bacterial damage that leads to leaky skin. Vitamin A can also help. in relieving eczema by reducing local inflammation in the skin.

Vitamin C

Known as nature’s protective nutrient that is essential to defend our body against infection and helps in the body’s natural healing processes. Excellent natural sources of vitamin C include fruits such as strawberries, oranges, guavas, and many vegetables.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. Our body also needs this vitamin to keep our immune system strong to fight bacteria that enter our body. Vitamin A is important to help our body fight the symptoms of eczema. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli are good sources.

Vitamin B6

Many studies have shown that taking vitamin B6 can help reduce the risk of inflammation. Skin disorders such as eczema and seborrheic dermatitis are associated with a deficiency of this vitamin. Therefore, it is necessary to have ample intake of this vitamin to reduce the risk of getting eczema or to treat one. Pumpkin, mushrooms, and spinach are good sources of vitamin B6.

To achieve the desired result for effective eczema treatment using supplements and vitamins, you need to be focused and dedicated. Choosing healthy natural foods that contain most, if not all, of the above is the first step in the right direction.

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