According to recent statistics compiled by the US Census Bureau, approximately 5 percent of couples have reached their 50th wedding anniversary, making this milestone the pinnacle achieved by only a few couples.

The following are unique 50th wedding anniversary gift ideas for those looking for a gift for their spouse, parents, or friends.

Anniversary Gift Ideas for Your Spouse

Although the traditional 50th wedding anniversary gift is gold, it can be a romantic gesture to give the traditional paper first anniversary gift to express that you love your spouse as much as you did on your first wedding anniversary. This might involve: (1) finding an original edition of your spouse’s daily newspaper from your date of birth or from your wedding date, (2) finding an old postcard from a place that is meaningful to both of you, such as from the destination of your honeymoon, where the marriage proposal occurred or where you first met (frame it), or (3) find an old photo of the two of you to frame it.

Anniversary gift ideas for your parents

The most precious memories of many couples are made of paper, such as photographs, love letters and cards, the deed to their house, etc. Consider capturing paper treasures in a gold-bound album. Ask family, friends, or even former classmates to contribute to an album to commemorate your parents’ 50th wedding anniversary.

Or, if your budget allows, arrange a vacation to celebrate your parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Throw a party in recognition of your special anniversary and decorate with a holiday-related theme, like a luau if you were headed to Hawaii. During the celebration, announce the special gift as a surprise for your parents.

Anniversary gift ideas for your friends

For friends celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, consider arranging for a greeting from the President if you are a US citizen. Greetings can be sent for the 50th wedding anniversary and each subsequent year. You will need to submit your application to the White House six weeks prior to the event date. You can find information about it at [].

Or, since the traditional gift for a 50th wedding anniversary is gold, consider arranging a “gold basket” filled with goodies, like Gold Blend coffee, Golden Grahams, and anything wrapped in gold foil. Line the basket with shredded gold paper and add a gold bow.

Use these anniversary gift ideas to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary or to help your parents or friends mark their special day.

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