Sports injuries are the most common type of injury that occurs when one indulges in vigorous exercise or athletic activities. They are mainly due to poor training methods, weaknesses and anomalies in the structural framework, as well as risky training environments. Although many of these injuries are harmless and could be treated with rest and home remedies; some of them are serious and need professional help. In the following discussion, we will explore more about the types of sports injuries and how they can be prevented and cured.

More about sports injuries

1. Knee injuries are the most common among athletes. A variety of kneecap aches and pains could collectively be referred to as runner’s knee. People who are involved in activities like cycling, swimming, and aerobics or in sports like basketball, soccer, and volleyball mostly suffer from these complicated problems. Athletes must change their shoes and insoles frequently. They should not train on hard surfaces and rest between exercise sessions. Apply ice and use anti-inflammatory ointments to treat these types of wounds.

2. Dislocations along with shoulder sprains and strains are common among athletes who participate in basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, and weightlifting. These problems occur when the rotator cuff or the groups of tendons and muscles around the shoulders become loose, resulting in shoulder stiffness, pain, slippage, and weakness. It is necessary to strengthen the muscles between training sessions. RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment may be given at home. If this does not work, patients should consult any of the efficient sports orthopedic specialists.

3. Soccer, basketball, hockey, and volleyball players are all familiar with ankle sprains. Quick movements of jumping, turning, running can twist the ankle or even lead to ligament and tendon tears. In case of these injuries, RICE treatment helps. Massaging the ankles would prevent swelling.

4. Concussion is an injury that occurs due to a strong blow to the head. Dizziness, disorientation, amnesia, impaired vision, and loss of balance are some of the common symptoms of this medical condition. Athletes who play sports like boxing, hockey, and soccer are mostly likely to get concussion. While some people return to their normal job, multiple concussions can cause lasting damage. Rest is perhaps the only treatment for concussions; however, patients should seek the help of medical professionals in severe cases.

5. Lack of flexibility and fatigue can cause pulled muscles in athletes. Hamstrings and calves are the most common type of pulled muscle. They could be extremely painful and could cause bruising. The ideal way to prevent this condition is by stretching before exercises. RICE treatment and anti-inflammatory medications are helpful in cases of pulled muscles. In severe cases, patients may be taken to sports orthopedic specialists.

The aforementioned discussion of the most common type of sports injury and its prevention and treatment would certainly be of great help to many athletes.

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