Business professionals, students, and entrepreneurs can use networking as an effective tool for sales, marketing, research, and professional networking. Aside from networking is following up with leads, clients and colleagues and building relationships. The way you present yourself and your company is crucial. Also, the way you communicate is very important and affects the relationships you try to maintain.

After meeting someone at a networking event, it’s important to follow up with that person and start building a relationship early. You must take the time to learn as much as you can about your trading counterparty and ultimately conduct business for continued success. A good and direct way to follow up with your trading counterparty is to contact them by phone. Listed below are some tips for connecting with others in an effective and timely manner.

Tip #1

When you decide to call your business counterparty, make sure you do so within reasonable hours. Keep in mind that people are busy and time is a very important asset. You should not schedule your phone call too early in the morning or too late in the afternoon/evening. Phone calls should generally be made after lunch hour. Professionals are generally less busy and have more time to talk and do business before the day is done.

Tip #2

If you call your business counterparty and he/she is not available, always leave a message. In your message, you must be concise and speak clearly and slowly in the voice message. In the message, you should include your contact information and number so that your counterparty can write the message and get back to you quickly. Also have an upbeat or cheerful tone and rehearse your message so that you refrain from making mistakes or repeating yourself.

Tip #3

Follow up the phone message with an email message. Many times, people may accidentally delete a phone message or not receive it for various reasons. To avoid confusion or delays, it is strongly recommended that you send a brief email letting your counterparty know that you are trying to contact them. It’s a subtle way of following up, but it’s not pushy or overbearing.

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